Chapter 8 - Get her memory back

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After the doctors finally let you go home, you were on your way back to the hotel with Charlie and Lucifer. The walk back to the hotel was kind of an awkward silence. No one knew what to do or say knowing that you have lost your memory. You arrive at the hotel; Charlie opens the door and you and Lucifer walk inside with Charlie following behind. You looked around the hotel. Everything looked so familiar. "Something wrong, Y/N?" Charlie asked. You shook your head. "Everything just looks so familiar to me, but I can't remember. Where's my room? I'm tired." "Here, I'll show you." Charlie started to head upstairs to show you where you room was. You followed her. You approach a door that had your name on it and there were stickers all over the door. "This is your room!" Charlie said. You smile and open the door and walked inside. Everything in here looked familiar too. "If you need anything, Lucifer is right next door to you and I'm just a few doors down!" Charlie said. "Thank you, uh..." You paused, not remembering her name. "Oh, Charlie!" She said. "Charlie." You repeated and smiled. You sat on your bed and looked around for a moment. You spotted something that also looked familiar. It was a katana. You grabbed your katana. The blade was made of steel and perfectly clean and polished. You looked at the handle. There was purple ribbon tied into a bow on the handle. 'Is this mine?' You thought. You sighed and put the katana back and laid back on your bed and played on your phone. As you started to feel tired, you turned your phone off and closed your eyes to take a nap.

Lucifer's P.O.V

I sat on the couch in the lobby and looked up as I saw my daughter, Charlie comes back down the stairs. "She's in her room." Charlie said and I nodded. I looked down trying to figure out what we can do to get her memory back. "Dad." I look at Charlie. "I know that look." Charlie said. "I need a minute." I said getting up and heading to my room. As I walked through the hall, I stopped when I saw Y/N's door. I stared at her door for a second and knocked lightly. I got no response. I knocked again. Still no response. I got worried and cracked open her door. I see Y/N laying on her bed, sleeping. I sigh with relief knowing that she's safe. I quietly close the door and head to my room. Once inside, I look through my bookshelves trying to find the right book. Maybe I can find something that can help trigger Y/N's memory back. I grabbed the book and flipped through the pages. I stopped when I found the right page. "When someone loses their memory, they can be trapped at the top of where the memory core lays. In order to get them out, both people must be asleep throughout the whole process. Someone special to that person, needs to be the one to break them out of the memory core. The memory core is strong, so you'll need something strong to break through it." As I read my mind flashes to Y/N's katana. "However, if either person wakes up during the process, you'll be trapped forever. Be sure to have contact with whoever is with you while doing this process. Two or more people are recommended present while this process is in motion." I read and sighed. "Who's that special person though? I need to figure it out or we can't get her memory back." I said to myself.

I stand up putting the book back where I found it. I walked out my room and stopped at Y/N's door once again. I still got no response. She still must be asleep. I cracked open her door and there she was, still sleeping peacefully. I quietly stepped into her room and started searching for something, ANYTHING that can give me an idea on who that special person to her is. I open a drawer and spotted Y/N's diary. I quietly take it, careful not to wake her up. Next, I need her katana. I spot her katana right next to her bed and I take it, quietly walking out the room and shutting the door. I quickly head back to my room. I shut the door and I lean back against the door. I open Y/N's diary and start flipping through pages. I stopped when I saw my name written on the paper. "Tonight, I spent my night with Lucifer, it was really fun and he's such a sweet guy. However, I can't help but feel that he's the most important person to me. I feel a connection between us, and I only hope things can continue to progress from here. He's very special to me." I smile as I read. 'It's up to me then, I'm that special person.' I thought. I close Y/N's diary. "I need Charlie. She's the only one that can help me with this." I walked out my room and headed downstairs where I saw Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie having a drink and chatting. "Charlie." I said and Charlie looked at me. "I need your help." I said. "What is it, dad?" Charlie asked looking at me in confusion. "Do you still know how to make the memory transition potion?" I asked. "Yeah, but why?" Charlie asked, raising an eyebrow. I stare at her. Charlie widens her eyes. "Dad, no." "It needs to be done Charlie, or she'll never get her memory back." I said. "But doesn't it need to be someone that's special to her to do it?" Charlie asked. I opened Y/N's diary and flipped through the pages and showed Charlie. Charlie looked up at me. "You're that special person to her?" She asked. I nodded. Charlie sighs. "Fine, just give me until tomorrow afternoon. I need to get all the materials." Charlie said and I nodded again.

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