Chapter 4 - A night with Lucifer

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You woke up the next morning feeling well rested. You sit up and stretch. You decided to take a shower, so you grabbed some clean clothes, a towel and headed to the bathroom. You turned on the shower and stripped all your clothes off. You step into the shower letting the hot water hit your back and run down your body. You washed your hair and your body before stepping out the shower. You grabbed the towel and dried off and then put on your clean clothes. Your tail swayed slightly as it peeked out from underneath your skirt. You headed out your room and head downstairs seeing Lucifer sitting at the bar, drinking some coffee. You sit down next to him and smile. "Hey Lucifer." You said, your tail wagging behind you. "Hey Y/N, how are you doing this morning?" Lucifer asked. You smiled. "I'm doing good!" You replied. Lucifer nods and smiles back. "What about you?" You asked as Husk began pouring you some Iced Tea. "Sleep deprived." He mumbled. "Why are you sleep deprived?" You asked. Lucifer smiles slightly. "Don't worry about it. I don't want to involve you in my problems." Lucifer replied. You took a sip of your Iced Tea.

"Actually Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to ask you." Lucifer confessed. "What is it?" You asked, tilting your head to the side slightly. "Would you like to spend some time with me tonight?" Lucifer asked with hope in his eyes. "Spend time with you tonight? What do you mean?" You asked. "I want to get to know you better, without the others around. So will you come with me tonight to my favorite place?" He asked once again. "I-I guess that could be okay." You responded. Lucifer sighed with relief as I said yes. He takes the last sip of his coffee and set the cup down on the counter. Your tail wags happily as you enjoy the sweet taste of your iced tea. Lucifer chuckles at your tail. "May I?" He asked, pointing at your tail. You blush. "J-just be careful. My tail is sensitive." Lucifer nodded and grabbed your tail lightly. You gasped at the feeling. He begins stroking your tail. You shivered as you feel a sensation of pleasure run through your body. "Okay, stop please." You breathed out and Lucifer let go of your tail. You sighed with relief as he let go. "Sorry, if that was too much." Lucifer said and looked down. "No, its okay. I'm not used to people touching it so I keep it away from everyone." You said. "Well, I think its adorable." Lucifer said. You blushed again and take a sip of your iced tea. Lucifer suddenly takes your cup and takes a sip of your sweet iced tea. "Hey!" You whined. "What? I'm thirsty." Lucifer takes another sip. "Well, give it. I'm not done with it yet." You said. Lucifer chuckles and hands the cup back to you.

You take your cup and finish it. Lucifer crosses his legs. "So, I'll see you later tonight?" Lucifer questioned. I nodded. "Do you have a phone by chance?" You asked him. "Of course." Lucifer takes out his phone. You take his phone from his hands and add your number to his contacts. After you finished you hand if back to him. "That's my number. Text me, okay?" You said and Lucifer smiles and nods. You get up from the bar stool and head upstairs to your room with your tail trailing behind you. You enter your room and close the door behind you as you enter. You lay down on your bed and scroll through it. Suddenly, your phone dings. You had a text from an unknown number. You tap the message and it read, Unknown: Hey, its Lucifer. You reply back quickly. Y/N: I'll put you in my contacts. You go to your contacts and add Lucifer's number in there. Lucifer texts back. Lucifer: Dress in something nice. I'll come get you at 7PM. You smiled and text back Y/N: Sounds good.

~A few hours later~

You were in your room getting ready to go out with Lucifer. You couldn't help but wonder if this was a date or if he really actually wanted to spend time with you. You were dressed up in a cute, white short dress and you had black dress shoes on along with the dress. You finished the last of your makeup and waited for Lucifer to come get you. Suddenly, you hear a knock at your door. "Come in." You said. The door opens and there stands Lucifer who is wearing a different suit. It was blue and black. "You look amazing." Lucifer flirted. "So don't you." You replied smiling. Lucifer chuckled. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Let's go." You said. Lucifer takes your hand and leads you out the hotel and into the woods. You let him lead you to wherever he was taking you. After a few minutes of walking, you arrive at a secluded place in the forest that had a big lake shimmering in the moonlight. It was surrounded by trees and had about 4 fishing piers surrounding the lake. You sit down on one of the fishing piers and Lucifer sits down next to you. "How did you find this place?" You asked. "Its a secret that I've known about for a while. I come here when I need to clear my head." Lucifer said. You nodded and then smiled mischievously. Lucifer notices your mischievous smile and raises an eyebrow. "What?" He questions. You smirk. "Oh nothing." You said. "Come on, tell me." Lucifer said. "Just this." You suddenly push Lucifer into the lake. Lucifer fell into the lake and got all wet. You started laughing. Lucifer comes up from underwater and looks at you. "Oh, you're going to pay for that." Lucifer said as he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into the lake with him. You screamed as he pulled you into the lake.

The both of you laugh as you're both now swimming in the lake. Lucifer grabs your hands and you look at him confused. "You're beautiful." He said. You blushed at his comment. "Thank you." You looked down. Lucifer lifts your chin to look at him with one finger. "I mean it." Lucifer smiled and you blushed more. You had to admit you were kind of attracted to him. He was nice, handsome, a flirt, and he seems to be a bit of a romantic type. You noticed Lucifer leaning in slightly. He stops and pulls back. "We should get back to the hotel." He said. You were kind of disappointed. You were enjoying this time with him, but it was getting late. The both of you got out of the lake. Both of you were soaking wet. You looked at your phone seeing it was now 9PM. "Come on, I'll fly us back there so we can change." Lucifer grabs you and his wings spread out. You stared in awe at his wings. They looked fluffy and so cool. "Hold on tight." Lucifer says as he began to fly in the air. You grabbed onto him tightly, hoping and praying you won't fall. Lucifer chuckled at your reaction. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let you fall." He said. I see the hotel come into view. Lucifer sets me down in front of the front door and he lands next to me as his wings fold back. You looked at Lucifer and smiled. Lucifer smiled back at you. "Thank you for tonight, Lucifer. I really had a lot of fun." You said. "So did I." Lucifer replied. You walk inside the hotel with Lucifer and he walks you to your room. "Get some rest, darling." Lucifer said. "You too." You said blushing. Lucifer smiles and walks off to his room. You go into your bathroom and take another shower. After you finished, you change into some clean pajama's and laid down in bed. You scrolled through your phone for a little bit until you got tired. You turned off your phone, set it under your pillow and closed your eyes, falling asleep.

Opposites Attract (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now