Ch. 6: Astronomy Tower of Love

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Hugo and Sofia snuck back into the palace where everyone was partying. It seemed like the adults were having the best time though, and James was pointing and laughing at King Garrick who was downing glasses of wine.

"Oh, Dad," Hugo muttered. "He's going to wake up with a super bad headache."

Sofia didn't hear what he said because she was focusing on her parents who were laughing hysterically with Emperor Quon. "Oh, goodness."

"Hey, Sofia!" James called, pulling Amber along with him.

"Where'd you go?" Amber gasped. "And why is snow covering your hair—"

James frowned after noticing something. "Why are you wearing Hugo's jacket?"

Hugo replied, "She stepped outside and was cold so I offered my jacket."

Amber raised her eyebrows and gave Sofia a knowing look. Sofia swallowed and looked down, saying that she was tired. Hugo gave a yawn and said he would escort Sofia to her room.

"Alright, goodnight Sof, Hugo," James said, waving goodbye. "See you in the morning!"

Amber muttered something under her breath but smiled when Hugo glanced at her. "Goodnight."

*In Sofia's bedroom*

"You know Hugo, what if we both get ready and meet in my room after?"

Hugo smiled and his heartbeat sped up after the thought of seeing Sof in her nightgown. "Of course, princess."

He then turned and walked out the room with a bow. Once he got to his room, which was only two doors down, he got dressed into a button-down white dress shirt and some regular black pants. Axel would always say that he dressed up to go to sleep, but Hugo found this comfortable. He shuddered at the thought of sleeping shirtless. Not for me.

Meanwhile, in Sofia's bedroom, she was digging through her closet. Usually she wore her light blue nightgown which quite resembled Cinderella's, but she couldn't seem to find it. And then, out the corner of her eye, she spotted a long white dress with gold sparkles adorning the skirt. It looked comfortable enough to be a nightgown.

She put it on and looked in the mirror, gasping. The sparkles shined with every movement. The waist was tied in the back with a ribbon and the long sleeves were perfect for the winter night.

A knock sounded on her door and she left the closet. Opening the door, she saw Hugo in a dress shirt and black pants. "You actually wear that to sleep, Hugo?"

He rolled his eyes and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "I could ask the same about you. But I have to say, you look beautiful in that gown." Bending down, he kissed Sofia's hand. "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Sofia scoffed and said, "You look handsome. And cute."

Hugo blushed. Registering what she just said, Sofia did the same.

"So, what do you want to do?" the prince asked, twirling Sofia around. This gave Sofia an idea.

"What if we sleep in the astronomy tower tonight? Dance underneath the stars!" she exclaimed. Hugo saw how happy the idea made her and agreed. She then grabbed his wrist and started to run to the staircase. He gulped at the sight of the super tall staircase awaiting him.

*After they climb the staircase*

Hugo groaned once he reached the top of the stairs. Sofia, however, looked absolutely fine from the tall climb. He panted and bent over so his head was in between his knees.

"I thought, you were, going to, Ever Realm. How, are, you, this fit?!" he asked, taking a breath in between every word.

Sofia shrugged and helped Hugo get off his knees. "I don't know. I was just excited!"

Hugo sighed and observed the astronomy tower. It was a bronze built dome with the stars shining into the room. There was a big telescope in the middle of the room and one enormous bed pushed to the edge of the dome.

"Oh," Sofia said with an awkward laugh. "There's only one bed."

Hugo, not wanting to see Sofia upset, offered, "We could sleep on either side of it." He shrugged when Sofia turned to look at him.

"Of course," she said. Her heart leapt when she thought of them sleeping together. Stop, you hopeless romantic, she thought. "But what about one dance before we collapse?"

"What if we sang So This is Love?" Hugo asked, hoping she would maybe get a small hint at his feelings.

"Oh, I love that song," Sofia sighed, but she wondered why he chose that song. For it was a love song...Oh goodness. Is this going to be like Cinderella's first dance with the prince?

"Mmm," Sofia hummed as they both placed their hands on each other. "So this is love," she started, "Mmhmmhmm."

Hugo started to sway with her, side to side. Her voice was so enchanting, he felt like he was Prince Charming. As though the tower were a stage, the lights slowly dimmed into a beautiful light blue.

"So this is love," Sofia sang. "So this is what makes life divine."

Hugo slowly spun her to his right and she twirled right back into his arms, her back pressed up against his front.

"I'm all aglow. Mmhmhm," she hummed. Her feet pointed forward and they both waltzed like ballerinas. "And now I know."

"And now I know," Hugo joined, taking Sofia's hands and bringing them to her chest.

"The key to all heaven is mine," they sang together, harmonizing.

"My heart has wings, mhmhm, and I can fly." Sofia's voice was so captivating, he felt like it was all a dream.

"I'll touch every star in the sky," they both harmonized, the stars twinkling within their eyes. "So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of," sang the young royalty, twirling as if they were the porcelain figures in a music box.

"Mmm," Sofia hummed.

"So this is love," they finished, ending with Sofia wrapped in Hugo's arms and her face tucked in his neck.

Hugo then rested his chin on top of Sofia's head, slowly swaying with both their feet stepping side to side. His hands were on Sofia's back and they moved downwards to her waist. "Princess Sofia," he whispered, his lips planting a light and nearly unperceivable kiss on her head.

She looked up at him, her face glowing in the dim blue light. She put her hand on his cheek and then rubbed a thumb on his lips. His cheeks turned slightly pink and he leaned forward.

Sofia's arms then wrapped around Hugo's neck and they were so close. So close.

Hugo's hand then went to her neck, bringing her face up to his. When they were one breath away from kissing, Hugo asked, "May I?" Hopefully, we won't be interrupted this time, he thought, heart beating extremely fast.

She leaned forward and pressed their lips together. "You may," she said against his mouth, smiling when the prince laughed. Hugo's arm wrapped around Sofia's waist, pulling her closer to him. As they kissed, Sofia's heart exploded with butterflies. Is this real? She wondered.

They broke apart to breathe and they stared into each other's eyes, foreheads touching. Both of them were smiling and Sofia hugged him, melting into the prince's protective arms. He hummed when her hands ran through his hair.

"My prince," she said, her voice muffled against Hugo's shirt.

Hugo kissed Sofia's cheek and replied, "My princess."

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