Ch. 9: An Unplanned Day of Fun

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"YES!" James shouted, a bright smile lighting his face up. "About time! And it's the best school for you because you love flying derby and ice dancing," he said, glancing at Hugo every time he mentioned the sports.

Amber's jaw was hanging open and her eyes were glaring daggers at Sofia. "How could you transfer? You are literally the top of your class! Please don't give up!"

Roland says, "Amber, this is Sofia's decision. If she feels like she doesn't belong at Ever Realm, then she can transfer."

Miranda, glancing at both her blonde daughter and husband said to Sofia, "If transferring is your wish, then it shall be granted. You may be able to start at CSS right after the winter break! That'll be exciting!"

Sofia gave a small smile to her mother, mouthing her thanks.

Amber wiped the corners of her mouth and got up from her seat. "I'll be in my room if anyone shall require my presence." Then the princess left, leaving everyone to eat their pancakes.

Then Elena cleared her throat. "Um—I would just like to say this and I wish that Amber were here to hear it but uh—here goes."

Hugo raised an eyebrow along with James. Sofia was just smiling, excited for the announcement and excited that the nerve-wracking part of her day was over.

"I'm getting married," she announced.

Everyone erupted in cheers and Sofia stood up squealing. She clapped happily and yelled over the chaos, "Oh, Mateo must be so happy!"

The queen blushed and flicked her hair behind her back. "The wedding will be in a week in Avalor, and all of you are invited!"

Miranda got up and hugged Elena as James laughed with a really giddy Isabel. Roland whooped and told one of the servants to get an extra large cake for the real Wassailia Ball at night.

Another ball? Sofia thought, rolling her eyes when Hugo grimaced, thinking the same thing.

*Later in Sofia's bedroom*

Hugo and Sofia both sat next to each other on the floor, chatting with the rest of their friends.

Right before they left the breakfast hall, Princess Vivian, Prince Zandar, and Prince Khalid arrived, all apologizing for missing the ball the night before. Sofia just waved their apologies off, saying that there wasn't much they missed out on.

Amber sat next to Desmond, lightly wrapping her arm around his as they both chatted with Hildegard and James.

"So," Vivian said, catching everyone's attention, "what games should we play that can be done in a circle like we're sitting in now?"

Every royal just looked at each other, not knowing any game they could play. Amber was thinking of pin-the-crown, but they would need space and they would need to stand up. She honestly did not feel like getting up from her position on the floor.

James scratched his head and glanced at Sofia, getting an idea. "What about you, Sofia? Are there any games that the village kids would play?"

Amber scoffed and laughed. "What about the village teenagers? We aren't kids anymore, James."

James just rolled his eyes as his friends snickered.

Sofia gulped and could only think of the certain few that the village would play. "Well, there's—uh—seven minutes in heaven, spin the bottle, charades..." All Sofia hoped was that they would choose charades, for that was the only one that seemed appropriate. Every other one could put every potential couple in the room in jeopardy.

Hugo frowned, not once hearing of any of those games. "Can you explain those, Sof?"

Sofia blushed furiously and bit her lip. "Umm—seven minutes in heaven is a game where you pick two people and they have to stay in a small room for seven minutes...could be romantic or friendly..."

Clio and Isa's eyebrows shot to the top of their heads and all the boys whistled. Hildegard and Amber just blushed and got their fans out to hide their faces.

"And spin the bottle?" Khalid asked, glancing at Clio out of the corner of his eye.

Sofia gulped and explained, "Spin the bottle is a game where everyone sits in a circle and someone spins a bottle in the center. Whoever the bottle points to, the player has to kiss."

Amber gasped and Desmond paled. James stiffened in his spot and Isa just looked around frantically. Hugo's frown deepened and everyone else sat uncomfortably.

"And I'm pretty sure everyone knows what charades is..." Sofia added quietly, hoping she didn't ruin the mood. "Where there are teams and someone acts like—"

"Yeah, we know," Zandar said with a very loud clearing of his throat. Him and James shrugged, having what seemed like a silent conversation between their expressions.

Hildegard sat up and said, "I would like to try a game, if anyone would like to speak up and choose something."

Clio spoke up: "Let's play seven minutes in heaven!"

Sofia inhaled slowly and tightly smiled. "So let's choose two people to be stuck in a closet for seven minutes."

James yelled, "HUGO AND SOFIA!" just as Amber shouted, "James and Isa!"

Everyone erupted into shouts and cheers.

"Please everyone," Sofia called, catching everyone's attention. "Whoever is in favor of James and Isa, raise your hands."

Vivian shot her hand up, excited to see James fall in love with someone. It's true that she had a crush on the prince when they were at RPA, but she now liked someone else...

Sofia, Amber, Hildegard, and Hugo raised their hands. A blushing Isa cheered when she counted that it was only four out of the eleven teens. Sofia and Hugo were going into the closet. Yes!

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