Ch. 16: A Newly Found Poet of Love

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Sorry guys, my favorite artist is Stephen Sanchez so I just had to put one of his songs in here.

Btw, nobody dies in this chapter so everything calms down and goes back to normal :)

~ Rainne

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Gabe snapped the reins, his breathing heavy. He's been looking, along with his entire guard and the Queen herself, to find these two young royals. How could someone capture them this easily? He thought that he put guards everywhere around the kingdom. Why wasn't anyone there to protect them? Where had these terrorists come from anyway?

He glanced back at the royals, sighing in relief when they were sound asleep in the back seat. Hugo was half-lying down over the back seat, his head lying in Sofia's lap. She was deeply asleep, her head lolling to the side. Hugo's face was dried red on one side and Gabe knew that he had barely enough time before Hugo passes.

"Hang in there," he whispered, before zooming even faster on the kingdom roads. All that was repeated in his head were the thoughts that someone powerful enough to capture the future king of Albequerque and the princess of Enchancia was in his kingdom. Hopefully with his break-in at their headquarters, they would die down and never see Avalor again.

As he drew in to the palace's bridge and abruptly halted in front of the palace doors, the King of Enchancia stepped out. His eyes had dark bags underneath them and pale cheeks. Queen Miranda followed closely after him, her state not looking much better than his.

Gabe hopped off the carriage and bowed, opening the door of the carriage so they would get a view of their daughter and future son-in-law. King Roland gasped and rushed to Sofia, gently lifting Hugo off her lap. Together, the king and the head of the guard walked in with the unconscious royals in their hands.

Miranda followed silently behind, tears streaming down her cheeks. Gabe didn't want to do anything but comfort her, but he needed to get the prince and princess to the nurse right away. When he led the king to a certain hallway, he realized that a normal nurse wouldn't be sufficient for these injuries.

Mateo, he thought. Gabe gasped and said to the king and queen, "Mateo will be a better option for healing your children."

Roland eyes widened at his address of Hugo being his child, but he nodded after a moment, exchanging glances with his wife. Gabe almost smiled, but didn't and headed toward Mateo's workshop.

They reached the library in record time and Mateo opened the painting up. He gasped at the sight of Sofia and Hugo and ushered them in. Gabe and Roland laid the bodies on the beds lying by Mateo's potion table-thing.

~ ~ ~

"Where were they?" Mateo asked, his hands shaking far too much for his panic to be normal. Yes, Mateo panicks a lot. Especially the last few days because he's been trying to please Elena after the disappearance. They had just gotten married and Elena has been pushing him away, her habit of taking problems into her own hands overflowing her brain of rational thoughts.

Mateo sighed and shook the other problems out of his head. He needs to help the dying royals.

"I found them in a bunker. One that's been hidden." Mateo noticed that Gabe's eyes were darting across the room, following his hands that were pulling potions from every shelf.

"Bunker? Since when does Avalor have bunkers?" Mateo asked, recalling that none of his history books ever mentioned bunkers being in Avalor. And he was meant to be the history geek.

He pulled a green bottle off the shelf and poured it into a beaker, walking over to Sofia and gently pouring it between her lips. Roland and Miranda sat on the edge of the bed, watching their children. Mateo hurt for them; imagine losing your child for a week and a half, not knowing where they went and how they left without a goodbye. They didn't even know if they were alive.

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