Ch.11: I Already Chose You

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After a very embarrassing and humorous game, all the royals were talking in a circle.

"Alright," Zandar said, rocking back and forth from his laughter, "but how did you end up on the floor, James?"

The accused prince put a hand on his chest and acted clueless. "I have to say, I was innocent," he said, motioning to Isa. "She pushed me to the floor."

Everyone laughed and Isa blushed. When they opened the door on James and Isa after seven minutes, James was on the floor and Isa was on top of him, both kissing like ravenous animals. Never have the princes and princesses ever felt so uncomfortable.

Before Amber could ask Hildegard and Zandar something, a knock sounded on Sofia's door.

Sofia frowned and got up, brushing off her skirt. She opened the door to find a very serious looking Baileywick. "Hello, Baileywick!" Sofia said with a large smile.

Baileywick tried his best to smile but it faltered quickly. "Your father wishes all of you to come meet him in the throne room. He has a...surprise."

Sofia frowned and looked back at all her friends who were sharing the same expressions. "Alright. Thank you!" Closing the door behind her, Sofia set her hands on her hips while looking at her friends. "I wonder what that was about."

Hugo bit his lip, wondering if he should tell them. "My father, King Garrick, said that King Roland would have a surprise for us today. He seemed really giddy about it. And that's really suspicious coming from my dad," he spilled, taking in everyone's reactions.

Inhaling slowly, Desmond spoke up, "Well, let's not keep them waiting!"

*In the throne room*

King Roland sat on his large throne, his wife Miranda sitting next to him.

"I wonder what the children will think of this," the queen said, exhaling shakily. Not only were they somewhat choosing everyone's betrothed—they were also informing everyone that they were to be married within the next two to three years.

"Not everything about being royalty is...perfect," Roland replied, taking a deep breath. "But at least we're giving them a list to choose from."

Miranda nodded and tried to calm herself. Oh, how she wondered if Sofia and James would like this or not. "Hopefully this sleepover doesn't make things worse," she said quietly. "If they're choosing their fìances today and some don't do we decide?"

Roland leaned back in his throne, looking at the small thrones belonging to his children. Only seventeen years he had the twins and they were about to be married. Sofia was only sixteen and she had to choose. "Amber is already getting married to Prince Desmond. It was a good choice, as they would rule over two kingdoms, making each more powerful. Sofia and James already seem to have their choices in mind, but we don't know how their potential partners could respond."

Miranda nodded and put a finger against the king's lips when the children filed into the throne room. Everyone except their kids bowed in front of the king and queen.

"Your majesties," Zandar said, standing straight again, "you summoned us?"

Roland smiled and said, "Why, yes. You were told that we have a surprise for you and that time has come..."

Amber gulped, glancing at Sofia out of the corner of her eye. She the back of her mind, she knew what time it was. Time to get married.

"...for you to be betrothed."

All the teenagers looked at each other in a panic. Maybe playing seven minutes in heaven before this 'surprise' wasn't the best idea.

Hugo clasped his fingers with Sofia's, giving a reassuring squeeze when the princess paled. "Are our fìances already chosen for us?" he asked.

"No," Roland said with a shake of his head. Everyone's shoulders slumped in relief. "You will all get a scroll with a list of potential brides and grooms."

Just then, the two servants that were standing on either side of their thrones stepped forward and passed out the scrolls. Each was tied with a blue ribbon that had a tag, saying one of the young royals's names.

Amber frowned when no scroll was passed to her. "Daddy, why haven't I gotten one?"

Roland shared a glance with Miranda and replied, "If you would take a look at Desmond?"

Des was standing with his hands behind his back, no scroll anywhere. "I don't have one either," he told Amber, holding out his empty hands.

Amber was still confused. "Did you forget to make lists for us?"

James was trying to hold back his laugh but Sofia snickered first. Amber turned to look at them and asked, "What's funny?"

Sofia raised an eyebrow and said, "Don't you know what that means, Amber? You're betrothed to Desmond!"

The princess covered her mouth in shock and looked at her fìance, tears pooling in her eyes. Desmond smiled and yelped when Amber launched onto him, making him fall backwards. They both hugged on the floor as everyone laughed.

"So, are we allowed to open our scrolls now, Dad?" Sofia asked, turning away from the hysterical couple.

The king nodded and everyone gently pulled on the ribbon to unravel the tie. As if they were one person, everyone unrolled the parchment, revealing a long list of names.

James and Isa zipped their eyes through the list, trying to find each other's names. Sofia and Hugo both looked at each other and held up their crossed fingers.

Hildegard just closed her eyes and prayed for Zandar to be on her list. Although she never acted like she was impressed with Tangu, that didn't mean that she wasn't impressed by Zandar trying so hard. It was like they were meant to be together, and if they weren't on each other's lists, she was going to fight.

"Got it!" James yelled, jumping up and down.

Isa took another second and squealed. "Me too!"

Miranda gave a knowing smile and looked at her husband for his approval. "Let's see those lists," she said, reaching for the scroll when James walked up to her.

Both Roland and Miranda's eyes went over the roll and they smiled at the circled name. They checked Isa's list and it was the same name.

"Looks like you two are engaged," Roland whispered, giving a tight hug to his son. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, the king thought to himself. He's getting older and this day was always meant to come.

Sofia watched her lively brother walk down the dais with a large smile on his face. Isa had the same expression and she bowed before walking out the room with her betrothed.

Hugo inhaled sharply. Her name was written in a fancy cursive and had a small purple star next to it. The list knew. The list already knew. "I got it," he whispered as a magic circle appeared over Sofia's name.

It was like a weight was lifted off Sofia's shoulders when she found Hugo's name. "I got mine too," she whispered back.

With crossed fingers behind her back, she rushed up the dais with Hugo following slowly behind. As the king and queen looked at the circled name, they smiled. And they had the same expression when they read Hugo's choice.

"Say hello to your future wife, Hugo," Miranda said softly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"REALLY?" Sofia squealed, giving a tight hug to a flustered Hugo. "Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad," she said, giving hugs to her parents before skipping out the room with her fìance.

"Sof," Hugo said, trying to silently sniff when he hugged her again.

Hearing the prince sniffle, Sofia pulled away and saw a very stiff person. "You know you don't have to hide your feelings from me, right?"

Hugo shook his head and he swallowed, cursing his throat for being so tight. "Just...overwhelmed with emotions," he said with a shaky voice, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

Sofia laughed and led Hugo outside the palace, glad they both had actual protection from the cold.

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