Ch. 14: An Avaloran Wedding

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Hey everyone! I actually wasn't planning on posting a chapter today but here goes! Enjoy it 😜


Everyone was dressed in their finest for the royal wedding of Queen Elena.

King Roland was wearing a regal looking black doublet with his brooches and a nice golden crown that Miranda insisted on him to wear. Queen Miranda was wearing a thin and breezy green gown that definitely wasn't as grand as her normal dresses.

Amber and Desmond decided to match for the wedding, being actually engaged and all. Amber was wearing a sparkly forest green dress with light pink details sowed all around, while Desmond was wearing a green suit with pink tie. James said that Des was extremely embarrassed when he put it on, and James wouldn't let it go. When they arrived at the wedding venue, James would start to poke Des and call him a 'girly girl'. It was nothing too extreme though, otherwise Amber would've smacked him silly.

Vivian had come along as well with her mandolin, to play some music. In fact, she was going to play the bridal song for Queen Elena when she walked down the aisle! Sofia congratulated her as soon as her ship docked in the docks of Avalor.

Sofia decided on a gown that seemed very Avaloran to her—a light, strawberry red dress that had silver embroidery along the neck and the skirt ended at her knees with pleats. Along the skirt, the silver embroidery was shaped in flowers which reminded Sofia of Elena's gown at her coronation.

"You look attractive," Hugo whispered when Sofia sat at the end of the second-to-front pew. Sofia's eyes ran down the prince's outfit, taking it in.

He had on a dark red dress shirt that had a tight and form-fitting black vest on top. The high collarugh, why does it look so good on him? All she wanted to do was grab it and bring his face to hers to—

Nope. This is a wedding. No impure thoughts, Sof.

"Hey," Hugo thought, interrupting the princess's train of thought. He set a hand on Sofia's thigh and she gasped, closing her eyes to calm herself. "Everything good?"

Sofia opened her eyes and smiled reassuringly at Hugo, resting her head on his shoulder. "Mhm. Just wondering how we'll get alone time with everyone around."

Hugo wrapped an arm around her shoulders, hugging her close to him. "I have a feeling that something will happen with only the two of us soon."

Sofia hummed and asked, "Like what?"

"Who knows?" Hugo asked, his voice going low so no one could hear. "Something steamy and hot or something sweet and silly..."

Her heart flew at his words but she smacked his shoulder lightly to play it off. "You shouldn't say such things at a wedding," she said with a scoff.

Hugo bit his bottom lip and tilted his head, thinking. "It's not like you weren't thinking the same thing as me, correct, princess?" Sofia's jaw dropped and Hugo kissed her head when Roland glanced back at them. "Act normal," he whispered, smiling softly and waving at the king.

Roland's brows furrowed, seeming confused. He tapped on Miranda's shoulder and the queen looked back at the normal teenage couple. They were both looking innocently at the venue and the guests, so Miranda shrugged.

Sofia snickered when they both turned away to see James walk to the doors at the end of the venue where Isa was supposed to show up at any moment now.

"Oh well," she said, scooting out the pew to stand up again. "Better get to the back and help Elena."

"I'll be watching," Hugo whispered, kissing the back of his princess's hand and watching her go. She entered the back doors and he could catch a glimpse of a large white wedding dress. Goodness, that looked fashionable, and based on the look on Amber's face, she thought so too.

The doors opened once more a few minutes later, and that's when Hugo realized that the ceremony was starting.

First came Esteban who was apparently officiating the wedding. His fancy doublet was standing out in a rich velvet and some of the older women started fanning themselves. All the men from Enchancia and Esteban himself cringed at the sight of all of them blushing because of him.

Vivian started playing a slow and sweet melody when the groom, Mateo, started to walk down the aisle. He was wearing a dark suit with a colorful wristband that peeked out his sleeve which Elena said was the belt she gave him when he became the royal wizard. Next came Mateo's mother, dressed in a nice blue and a handkerchief pressed to her eyes.

After that, Elena's abuelita came out in place for the queen's mother who couldn' know.

Then came a short line of bridesmaids, Naomi leading the line with her big bouquet of pink flowers and light red gown that reached her ankles and hugged her curves. Hugo could definitely see some of the guys staring then.

After the bridesmaids came the groomsmen.

There came a lot more unfamiliar faces to Hugo, until he saw the maid of honor—Sofia. Although he had already seen the princess, she still looked beautiful. God, he felt like taking Mateo off the altar and setting Sofia there with himself, getting married right there.

Alongside Sofia was Gabe, the captain of the guard and the best man. Hugo had heard that Elena gave him the day off for the wedding and that the rest of the guard would be on alert around the venue in case of any...problems.

After Sofia and Gabe took their places on either side of the altar, next came the flowergirl and ringbearer.

Isa was wearing a flowy peach dress and walked down the aisle while spreading red rose petals all around with James by her side. He somehow snuck past Hugo's sight when he got back there.

"Everyone, please rise," Esteban said in his thick Spanish accent. Everyone in the pews stood as the most beautiful bride—other than Sofia in Hugo's dreams—stepped through the doors.

The gown was quite poofy, the fabric being ultimately silky and layered. Her train seemed a hundred feet long, her crown so big that it could be the height of a top hat.

Amber's eyes widened with awe and envy. She was so going to get that tailor after the wedding.

(I ain't Christian so I have no idea what these weddings seem like and I don't feel like doing more research so...I'm skipping over most of the vows 🙂)

"Do you take Queen Elena to be your beloved wife?" Esteban asked, raising an eyebrow when Mateo stuttered.

"Y-Yes," Mateo said, still taken aback by Elena's beauty.

"Do you, Queen Elena, take Mateo to be your husband?"

Queen Elena's eyes watered and she smiled. "Yes."

Everyone quietly gasped in the pews. They were married.

"You may kiss the bri—"

Mateo wrapped his arms around Elena and dipped her low with a kiss while everyone whooped and cheered from below the altar.

Sofia met Hugo's eyes with large smiles on both their faces. Hugo's smile faded after a few moments though.

The princess furrowed her brows and nodded her head, as if asking what was wrong. Hugo buzzed his lips and shrugged, then raising an eyebrow and shooting a meaningful glance at the altar where Mateo was now hugging Elena.

"Wanna get married?" Hugo mouthed.

Sofia's jaw dropped again and Roland turned back to Hugo, sending a warning glance at the young prince. Hugo gulped and Miranda forced the king to look back at the altar.

"That was a close one," Sofia mouthed, blowing out a relieved breath.

"The offer still stands," Hugo mouths back, bending over and laughing when Sofia rolls her eyes. Oh, he loved messing with her, no doubt—but he somewhat meant to say that statement seriously. Oh well, there was still time before they had to get married.

They just need to keep it PG.

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