Ch. 7: James Makes A Move

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"Oh my god—"

"Sh! Be quiet—"

"This is why they weren't in their rooms—"


Sofia gasped and sat up to see people standing at the foot of the gigantic bed. She frowned and rubbed her eyes, getting ready to be furious.

Hugo rustled in the thin bed sheets, his dress shirt being pulled to the side so part of his chest could be seen—he's built, Sofia thought.

"Why in the world are you watching us sleep?" Sofia asked, hopping off the side of the bed.

Amber gasped after seeing the gown Sofia was wearing. "How come I never got that nightgown?" she muttered, cursing the village tailor.

"Well," Axel started, "when I wanted to go to bed at 2 a.m., I couldn't find you or Hugo in bed. I went to sleep in Hugo's room and woke up early to find you. That's why not everyone is here right now. Some people went to sleep at 3 and the adults went to bed around 4."

Sofia looked at everyone there. Only Isa, Hildegard, and Clio weren't awake. Everyone else: Amber, Hugo, her, James, and Desmond, who was sitting uncomfortably on the edge of the bed.

"So, how was your sleep?" Des asked, chewing on his lip. It looked painful.

"Oh I bet it was wonderful," James laughed, wheezing when Sofia slapped his shoulder. "Since they were cuddling when we came into the room—OW!" Sofia landed a punch on his stomach.

Sofia sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her eyes tiredly and not noticing Axel and James moving in the background. They were both holding a pillow, getting ready to hit sleeping Hugo.

"GO!" Axel shouted, starting to whack Hugo all over his body. James laughed maniacally, going crazy and hitting Hugo's head over and over again.

Sofia gasped and stood up to get a better view of Hugo. She snickered when Hugo groaned and put his own pillow on top of his head to block out the sound.

After a moment, Hugo jerked awake and grabbed his own pillow to whack James and Axel. He rolled off the bed and swept the pillow onto James's feet, knocking the blond prince over.

Amber and Sofia could barely get a good view of the fight, but they were laughing uncontrollably. "Boys," they said together.

James screamed like a banshee when Hugo lunged for him, both of them laughing when they fell over. Axel just threw the pillow on top of them and bent down to ruffle Hugo's hair, sprinting away when Hugo threatened to rip his clothes.

Desmond was trying to hide his smile when the two princes stood up, their clothes in the worst shape ever. Amber cackled behind her fan and Sofia was raising her eyebrows at the sight of Hugo this way. Honestly, she found it kind of...attractive, the way his shirt was half-unbuttoned and his hair being all messed up.

With a sigh, James looked at the state of himself. "I think I should change...again."

"I'm going to go get ready too," Hugo said, walking with James to the elevator. Before the elevator went down, Hugo winked at Sofia and she blushed. Amber raised an eyebrow and Desmond rested his chin on his hand, his eyes asking the same question: What was that about?

"Oh, whatever," Sofia said, eyes glinting with humor. "It's not like we're the only 'potential couple' in the palace. I bet everyone noticed how you and Desmond were looking at each other."

Before either of the now red-faced teenagers could speak, Sofia rushed to the staircase and went down the stairs to get ready in her bedroom.

Amber just awkwardly laughed and rapidly flapped her fan in front of her face, trying to cool off her heated cheeks. Desmond cleared his throat and stood up, saying, "Do you have a garden on your palace grounds?"

The princess nodded and she asked, "Why would you need to go to the garden?"

Desmond smiled to himself, having an idea. "I was just wondering if you would like to take a walk there? To admire nature?" His heart felt like dropping because it was known that Amber didn't like the outdoors.

"As long as it's nothing too active, I'm up for it," Amber says, excited to spend time with Des.

Desmond slightly blushed and he replied, "Great."

*Meanwhile, Isa was wandering the halls of the palace*

Isa climbed the stairs to the second floor, remembering how James said his room was two doors to the right in case she had any questions.

King Roland II asked Isa to summon his children for they weren't usually this late to breakfast. Isa wondered if James, along with the others, were alright.

With a rapid and musical knock pattern, she put her ear up against the door to reveal whether James was in there or not. When no response sounded, she knocked again.

"James? Are you okay?" Isa called. Brushing off her cream colored gown, she tested the handle. It isn't locked, Isa thought with a shrug. I guess he wouldn't mind if I went in.

"I'm coming in," she said, opening the door fully.

"Wait, don't come in!"

Isa gasped and covered her mouth in shock at what she saw. Prince James was shirtless. And he looked good.

"Oh. My. God. I'm so sorry," Isa stuttered, trying to gather up the pieces of her sanity. "I didn't mean to walk in on you," she continued, looking down guiltily.

James just ran a hand through his hair and bit his lip, trying to figure out what to do. "You're alright, Isa. Did you need to tell me something?"

Isa seemed to zone out with a staring contest with his abs, but she woke up with James's words. "Yes, s-sorry, James. Your father wishes for you to come downstairs for breakfast."

James waited for Isa to leave, but she didn't. It was like she was traumatized and couldn't leave, her stance as stiff as a tree. "Everything good, Isa?"

"Yes, prince." Isa turned to leave but James rushed to grab her wrist. Isa glanced back at James and gulped. What was he going to do?

"I—um, have something to tell you, Isa," James said, noticing how close their faces were. "You—uh..." He slowly leaned forward and Isa did the same, interlocking their fingers together.

"Yes?" Isa asked, her eyes focused on the prince's lips. "What do you need to tell me, James?"

James nearly shivered at the sound of his name coming through her lips. "I don't...please forgive me for this."

Isa slightly frowned and asked, "For wha—"

James pressed his lips against Isa's and she felt like she was flying. His lips were warm and soft as he pressed her against the wall, slowly shutting the door with his foot. Every movement was passionate as their fingers wove through each other's silky hair. James couldn't think, for her lips was the sun of his universe. Everything suddenly felt as if they revolved around Isa as his hands slowly trailed from her hair, down her back, and to her hips.

Isa just rolled with everything James was doing because she had never kissed anyone before. Little did she know that this was James's first time as well.

The prince parted their lips and he snuck his tongue into her mouth as Isa's hands tugged at his hair, making him groan.

But then something happened.

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