They're unknown feelings, or are they

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 It's been a week since I woke up in the RoR with Malfoy and Parkinson and the feeling in my chest has done the opposite of what I thought it would do.
 Instead of the feeling growing smaller until it was gone, it has grown to the point that I just put silencing charms on my bed so no one can hear me cry for reasons that are unknown to me. 

Malfoy was right. The morning after the strange advent, Prof.Sanpe told me that Hermione was going to be tutoring from now on. She did the last thing I thought she would when I told her.
   " I'm what?" Hermione asked me shocked. " I don't think I'm going to be that bad." I said hurt. She shook her head. " Come with me." She said so strongly that I got up as soon as she did. 
 "So, why are you shocked 'Mione?" I asked confused. " I thought you would be happy that I'm not being trapped with that git." We where in an empty hallway when she finally stopped. " Hermione, please just say something." I begged. She was starting to scare me.
 " Harry, what did you call Draco?" Draco? When did she and him get on first name front? " I called him  git. That's what he is. A bratty, smart ass git." Hermione but her lip. " Did, did you to get into a fight?" She asked as if it was touchê subject. I raised an eyebrow. " Why did you say it like that? It's not like we were ever in an relationship. If that ever happened I would thank you if you hit me on my head until I get some since back in me." 
 Hermione stared at me then said " Harry, you and Draco where together and then one day you came back from tutoring in an flow mood and you'v been sad ever since." She found her shoes interesting as soon as she finished. " What?"  Is all I could say before my head started pounding and I blacked out. 
 He's all I can think about ad I hate it. It's like I'm a love sick Weasley. 
 I was walking down the hall holding the hand of my girlfriend, Pansy, when she pulled me into an empty class room. 
 " Oh Draco." She said smiling. I knew what she was going to do and part of me was screaming no.
 " Yes Pansy?" I asked giving her my classic smirk and wink. I pushed her against the wall and held her arms above her head. 
 While I was kissing her, something didn't feel right. In the back of my mind I heard a man's moan and voice saying my name. The voice was Harry's.
 This only made me put more force in the kiss I was giving Pansy and I knew it was driving her crazy by the way her moaned and  the way she was pressing against me. 
 I had to pull away because I could only think about Harry. I say his face when ever I closed my eyes and heard his voice in my dreams and you know what, I'm fucking sick of it. It's like I forgot something important and judging by very small memories, I'm happy I did. Even though Pansy looking like a pug, kind of, it beats snogging Potter. 
 " Harry? Oh gosh." I waved my wand and he floated a few inches off the floor so I could push him to the infirmary.
 " Hello? Madam Pomfrey. It's Harry. He, He won't wake up." I called out as I placed Harry on a bed. 
 Madam Pomfrey came out quickly and casted some spells to check on him. Her face grayed. " Go get Dumbledore at once and Minerva please. Tell no one. Only we will know of this." She said. I nodded and took off towards the Great Hall since it was still breakfast. 
 I ran up to the teachers tables and whispered to the both of them and we all took off back to Harry.

" Are you sure that's what happened?" Prof.McGonagall asked. " I am sad to say so." Pomfrey stated. 
 " Uhm. I'm sorry, but you're saying that Harry has taken a Memory changing potion and now he can't remember anything to deal with his relationship with Draco?" I asked shyly. They turned to me and nodded. I felt my face drain. 
 " This is my fault. I noticed something was different about how they where acting and how Harry was always so sad and so I asked him about their relationship and the next thing I know he's on the floor and wouldn't wake up.
 " Miss Granger, you did not know. No one is blaming you." Dumbledore said in his normal, clam voice. " But, how did he get a hold on such a thing, and if Miss Granger is right, Miss Parkinson and Mr. Malfoy have done the same." Prof.McGonagall stated. We all stood there until Harry started to wake up. 
 " Harry!" I said and ran my hand through his hair. " Hermione? What the bloody hell happened? One minute you told me that I've snogged Draco several times and the next thing I know I'm here...and I just swore in front if the nurse, headmaster and the head of house. Great can this day get any better?" 
  I laughed a little and so did the teachers. " I think Mr,Potter needs some space and sleep." That was our hint to leave so we told Harry goodbye and I went to my next class which happened to be with Draco and Pansy. 'This should be loads of fun.' I thought sarcastically to myself as I thought about how hard this must be for Harry. 

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