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It's been a week since Draco and I started dating and the only people to know are 'Mione and Pansy. Ron...well he just doesn't know.
Draco and I have agreed to act like we have each other.

"Oi Potter!" Draco called down the hall with fake hatered on his voice. Years of it being true has made him good at it.
I glared at him. "What do you want Malfoy, I have things to do and people talk to and you are no where on my list." I shot back.
He rolled his eyes, "I just wanted to tell you that Snape is making us meet in his room right now. I don't know what you did to get me involved, but that ever it is, my father will hear about it." There is was. That line and smirk that I love.
I acted annyoed until we were walking side by side in an empty hallway.
" Nice acting. Just like old times." Draco's hot breath ticked my neck and sent a chill down my spine.
He chuckled and took my hand.

Once we got to Snape's door, Draco said "Show time." I nodded. "I didn't do anything Draco!" I yelled. "Shut it Potter." Draco snapped back. With that he opened the doors and Snape was standing there with the last person I thought I would see. Draco's dad.
"Ah,Draco. Come here." His father said. I saw Draco stiffen as he walked towards his father. "Hello father. I didn't expect to see you, I would have demanded that Potter hadn't been summoned." Even though I knew it was acting, I still was hurt by his words.
Lucius did something that must have been him laughing. I couldn't tell.
"Draco, I asked for Potter to be present while I spoke with you. Severus, if you don't mind, you hand be the...?" He waved his hand to a small box on the table beside Snape.
The way Lucius asked that made my skin crawl.
" Ah thank you. Now, let's begin. " He opened the box and pulled out three little potion bottles and each had a liquid in them. Two green, one yellow.
"Now, Draco. You take the two green ones and when you feel the time right hand the other one to Pansy and drink them in the Room of Requirement. " He said this with no emotion. "As for you, you do the same and meet Draco and Pansy " He handed me the yellow and Draco the two green.
I glaced at snape questionably. "Mr.Potter, this is safe. I would know. I brewed them my self. Dumbledore I'd fully aware of this so no need to run off. No one shall know of this." Snape informed me.
I turned the bottle over and over in my hand as if it was going to tell me what if is.

After the strange meeting with my father. Harry and I went on with our day, acting as if we bated each other, as if the moment we got to Snape's room we snogged, as if my father hadn't handed me a potion.
"So, Draco. Uhmm can I talk to you?" Pansy asked me. Her face turned red slightly when Hermione waved and smiled our way when no one was looking. "Sure Pansy." She took my hand and led me around the corner to the same spot that she asked me if I like Harry .
"So, I may have a slightly... Big...crush on a red headed girl that helped me get you and a certain person together." My jaw dropped. "Hermione?" She blushed. "Pansy, I hope you know and she and Ron are so close they might as well be dating. " That's when it hit me. How did they go from hating each other to helping Harry and I get together. " Pansy, how did you two end up talking?" "Well you see, one day while you and Harry where fighting, we where watching, Hermione and I, and we both said that you two where going to be caught snogging in an empty class room one day at the same time and we started talking about it." I nodded.
I would have said more, but Harry yelled "Malfoy! Stop snogging and get over here. We can't do anything until you do!" I winked at Pansy and said "Shut it Potter!"

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