No, Please

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The order had taken me in and sat me down at at table.
  "Draco, drink this." Said a girl who's hair seemed to change color.
   I was handed a cup that had a liquid in it that smelled horrible. 

 I just looked at it. " Do what Tonks says Draco." Hermione said. I drank the liquid in one gulp. 
" Now, Draco. We're going to ask you a few questions." A man said as he sat down. It was my old DADA teacher from third year. " Uhm, okay." I said.  " Good, Harry, Ron, Hermione. I think it would be best if you leave for this part." Lupin said. They nodded and Harry smiled as if to reassure me. 
 " Draco, did you know what you're father was doing when he gave you, Harry, and Pansy those potions?" Lupin's voice had no emotion. " No, I didn't. I was only doing what I was told to do." He nodded. " Was there anyone else on the room with you when you where given the potions? Besides's Harry."  I shifted in my seat. 'Should I tell him this? Well I am kinda under truth potion so I really have no other option.' " There was Snape. He told me that Dumbledore had checked them and that it was okay for us to take them." Lupin raised an eyebrow. " Severus?" He sounded as if he was shocked. " Yes sir." 

 He questioned me like that for a few more minutes before he handed me a piece of chocolate. 
 " Here, eat this then go talk to Harry. He's missed you." I ate the chocolate and headed upstairs. 

 I meet a few people who I had no idea who were on my way up and then I heard some people talking. "...Not his fault. He was under a spell or potion. What ever you want to call it." Who ever was speaking sounded ever sure of them self's. " But he still killed him 'Mione." The second voice sounded like Ron. I heard someone sigh and walk towards the door. I ran down the hall so that I wouldn't seem weird. 

 I second later, the door opened. " Look, I don't care at the moment. I just want to see him." It was Harry. He stepped out and looked down the hall and saw me. " Hi." Was all I said. Harry's face lit up and he ran to me. I was trapped in a hug that was making it hard to breath, but I didn't care. I was with him. " Draco." Harry breathed happily. 
 He let me go and grabbed my hand. I smiled at him and he winked. " Come." He dragged me up a few more stairs and then into a room. The room looked like it went through a time where no one touched it for year. " This is where I sleep when I'm here and it's quite so we can talk." Harry said. I sat down on the bed and he sat beside me. 

 " Draco, I need to ask you something." His was low and serious. I looked at him. " Yes?" Harry looked at me with a face that I couldn't figure out .  " When you killed him, what was running through your mind?"  I just stared at him. Out of all the things he could have asked, he choose that. " Harry. I was thinking about how all of this is crazy and how if I didn't do it, my mother and I would die." He shook his head. " Draco, you looked at me then killed him. That..." He didn't finish. I placed my head in my hands. All I could think was ' Please, don't let me lose him now. No, please.'

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