well then

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 It's been a good week since I drank to love potion "and fell head over heels fro Harry Potter" and he hasn't found out. 

 It's been nice. I get to spend the last hours of my day with him. Noticing ever thing about him. 
 Harry tends to bit his lip while he thinks and squint his eyes. When he can't get something, his nose puffs out a bit and he either runs his hands through his hair and shake his head so that it it falls in his face. 
While I was lost in thought, walking down the hall, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty hall way. " Bloody Hell." " Oh shut up." It was Pansy. I stared at her coldly. " I'm sorry. What?" I snapped at her. Pansy rolled her eyes. " You heard me. So you've been spending time with Potter. Getting back at late and strange hours. One time you came back bright red and with a distant look in your eye. You have't been fighting so spill. What the bloody hell is going on between you two?" She got a look in her eye that took me by surprise. She really took me by when she jumped a little bit, smiled, and said " Are you two a thing because if you two are I wouldn't care. Actually it would be about time, but anyway are you two together?" She was acting like a five year old. 
 I looked ever to see if anyone was around, even though I knew there wasn't. 
 I sighed and tapped my foot. " Pansy, I don't even know how I feel about things anymore. I mean I thought Harry and I hated each other, then after the first night of me helping him potions, I thought we could be friends, but...but then I started to get nervous around him. It's like when ever he's around my heart takes off." I scratched the back of my head. " I, I just don't know Pansy. One night, we got bored so I made Harry, don't look at me like that, I made Harry make a fifteen minute love potion and we played a three round muggle game," She raised at that, but said nothing. " and I lost. The whole point of the three rounds was for the loser to drink the love potion and so I drank it and nothing happened." That got Pansy to gasp. " Draco, you do know what that means right." " Of course I know what that means Pansy." I said exasperated. 
 Pansy did the last thing I expected her to do. " I know people who can help you get your man." She took my hand and we took off to Merlin knows where. 


 " Harry? Harry!" Hermione hit my arm snapping me out of my daze. " Hum? Sorry 'Mione. What was that?" She rolled her eyes and said " Harry, how is the after hours douse of Malfoy?" I felt my heart speed up as the thought of that game came to my mind. " Boring as fuck." I said. Hermione said nothing because a note came to her by owl. 

 As she read it, her eyes lit up and she took my hand. " You're coming with me. Harry and I will be in a few Ronald." He nodded and Hermione took me all the way from the Gryffindor common room to the RoR. " Hermione. Bloody Hell. Have you gone mad?" I asked her. All I got was a smiled and she dragged me in. 
 " Took you long enough Granger." A voice came from couch in front of me. " Granger?" That voice. Even in a surprised tone, it still sent my heart on a high speed chase. " Hermione. What did you get me into?" I asked. 
 Hermione walked over to the couch and Pansy popped up from the same couch and started laughing. " It's more like what did we get you into." Pansy said. " Draco! Get your ass up."  
 The blonde slowly got up from the arm chair facing me and walked over to meet me. My heart pounded in my chest. ' So now you start to show feeling towards him. You know the class room thing was just because of the potion.' I thought to my self. 
 " Draco? Aren't you going to tell Harry something?" Hermione asked excitedly. Draco ran his hands through his hair and turned a bright red. " Uhm. Harry. Remember what I told you about love potions?" I raised an eye brow. " You mean that if the person is already in love with the other, it won't work? Yeah what about it? The potion clearly worked on you." He bit his lip. " Yeah well. It didn't. I faked it so that you wouldn't freak out. I knew I had feelings for you, but I always thought it was because I, you know, hated you. Turns out it is the exact opposite of that." 
 I started at him with my mouth wide open. 'Draco loves me. Draco loves me! This is the best day ever.' 
 "Harry?" Draco asked. His voice filled with worry. " Oh, uhm. Well. I have good news for you. I love you too." My voice was just loud enough for Draco to heard me. Next thing I knew, he was kissing me. 
I didn't even think twice and kissed him back. Only when we heard Pansy and Hermione scream like fangirls did we break apart. 
 " Hand me some champagne so I can let this ship sail." Hermione said and, of course the RoR made some show up causing the two girls to laugh even more. " Uhm, maybe we could go that room over there so we can talk alone." Draco said as a different part of the room turned into separate one. I nodded and we talked about what just happened.

" So, Harry. What does this make us?" Draco asked. I smiled at him and said. " If you want us to just be friends, if that's what you want, then we'll do that. If you want us to be more, than all you have to do is ask." That made his smile. " In the case. Harry, will you go out with me?" " Yes Draco. I will." 


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