Shut up Malfoy

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 I was on my way to check on what was for dinner when someone dragged me into a room. " Bloody hell." I said in surprise. " Shut up Ronald." A girl said. I turned to see it was Hermione. Of course it was, who else calls me that in that tone. " Ron, have you noticed that Draco and Harry aren't even looking at each other and when they speak they call each other Malfoy and Potter?" 

 I thought about that for a few minutes. " Ya know what 'Mione, your'e right." I stated. She rolled her eyes in a annoyed way, but I found it cute. " Of course I am. They've been like that all week. You don't think that the potion is coming back do you?" She asked concerned. I shook my head. " I don't know. Only one way to find out."
------------------------------------------------------Time skip--------------------------------------------------------------------
 I walked to Harry's room and knocked on the door. " Mate? Ya in there?" I heard someone get off the bad. Not long after someone opens the door. " 'Hello Ron." Harry said in his normal happy tone. He smiled at me and waved his hand for me to come in. 

 " So mate. What's going on with you and Draco?" I asked. I still can't get used to calling him that. I guess old habits die hard. Harry stiffened up and he clenched him fist. " I have no idea what you mean. Draco and I are," He paused and let out a breath. " perfectly fine." I sat down on his bed and waved from him to do the same. He did.
 " 'Arry, you're not fine. You hardly ever speak to each other and when you do, it's short and defiantly not sweet." I said a little to bluntly. Harry sighed exasperated and fell back on the bad. " Ron, I just don't know anymore. I." His words got cut off by a sob. " After his integration with Lupin, we came in here and we kind of had a fight that ended with me saying that we needed time to think this through and he just shut off all emotion and walked out. I just don't know what I'm doing anymore Ron."  
 I sat there for a few minutes. I thought about what I should say because I am not the best person to give advice. " Uhm Harry, did you mean what you said? Ya know, about the needing space?" I mentally slapped myself for that. Harry rolled so that he could face be a little but better. " I didn't Ron. I said it with out thinking. All of this is my fault. If I hadn't asked him what he thought when he kill Dumbledore we wouldn't be having this problem. " I shook my head. " Mate, this really isn't you're fault... Well it is, but it also isn't because both of you had a part of this." Harry looked ever worse after I said that. 
 I put my head in my hands and said " I'm sorry. You know I'm no good at this. God you must hate me now." I felt Harry sit up and place his hand on my shoulder. " No, I don't hate you, but you are right about one thing, you are rubbish at this." Harry laughed a bit as he said this and I smiled at little at him. 

 I stood up and turned towards him. "C'mon, let's go eat. I'm starving." Harry smiled at me as he shook his head and stood up. " Always thinking about food aren't you Ron." 


 I was sitting in the drawing room reading when I heard someone come in. I payed them no mind until they spoke after a few minutes. " Hello Hermione." I looked up from my book to see Draco. 'Now's my time.' I thought to myself. 

 I closed my book and smiled at him. " Hello Draco. How are you?" I already knew the answer because he had faint tear stains long his face and deep bags under his eyes. " I'm doing fine, great even." He said trying to sound happy. 

 I went over to sit next to him and looked him in the eyes. " No you're not Draco. I can tell."  Draco looked at me. " Hermione, I don't know what you're talking about." I smiled at him. " Draco, I'm a girl and your friend. I know these things so just tell me what's wrong and I'll leave you alone about it." I said sweetly. 

 Draco sighed, obviously defeated.  " Do you really want to know?" He asked, hoping that I would say no.  " Tell me, please."  He shifted in his seat so he could face me. " Well, when Lupin made me answer some questions, I went up to find Harry." I heard that pain in his voice and his eyes showed even more. " Harry lead me to his room because he wanted to talk, but he wanted to talk about what happened when, when I killed him. I told him the truth. I told him that I felt like I should kill him and that I should have hid him away from the world so he would be safe and that lead to us both getting upset then he said that we needed some time to think about what has happened. I did the only thing I knew how, and that was to act like I didn't care and the worst part was that Harry believes it. Hermione, I love him. He is the only one who can get under my skin. I do care, I do." 

 Draco had tears in his eyes that he was holding back and his breathing was shaky. 

 I felt bad for the boy. He was under a potion, didn't know what to do, and was trying to save his mother. 
 " Oh Draco." I said has I pulled him into a hug and that's when I saw him. Harry was standing there in the door way with tears running down his face and Ron standing behind him. 
 " How long?" I mouthed. Harry looked at me and said " Long enough." That made Draco quickly stiffened up and wipe his tears away. He turned to Harry. " Hello, Potter." His voice was still a little shaky and weak from just moments before. Harry walked up to him and got right in his face. " Shut up Malfoy." and kissed him long and hard. 

 At first I thought Draco was going to fight back, but he kissed Harry back with the same force and passion. 

 Ron walked in and sat down beside me. " So no potion?" I laughed. " No potion." Ron took my hand and said " C'mon. Harry and I where on the way to get something to eat when we saw you talking to Draco and Harry wanted to ask you something, but heard him start talking about what happened between the two of them and stopped." 

 I let Ron lead me to the kitchen. I didn't really eat anything because I was too happy for Harry and Draco as fro Ron, he was to busy stuffing his face to even think about breathing.

 " Shut up Malfoy." I said just before I kissed Draco. It was meant to be a short and sweet kiss, but as soon as my lips touched his, I kissed him harder ad Draco didn't hold back. 

 I thought I heard Hermione and Ron leave, but I to lost in the fact that I may have my Draco back to even care.
 after a few minutes, Draco pulled away and asked with a smirk " Done thinking?" I laughed and said "Of course." 

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