The family Business

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Damn mudblood. Who does she think she is? Putting a memory charm on Pansy, knocking me out. My father will hear about this.
 "Mr.Malfoy?" The Gryffendor head of house was glaring at me. I glared back. " Yes?" I was pissed that I had to be kept here with that Potter. I was brought here at lunch and it was two am now and I've been forced to drink so many potions I just know it's not healthy. 

 " I asked if you where okay." She seemed as annoyed as me." I would be fine if I wasn't held here!" I snapped at her. I didn't care any more, I stormed out and headed to the RoR. It's time to take my dad up on his offer.

 As I watched Draco storm out, I looked to Granger and she shook her head. All day, every time I look at her, my heart takes off. I smiled a little and then my head started to pound. " I, I think something is happening to me." I fell to my knees and my breathing speed up. I looked around, but everyone was looking at the charts and Potter was asleep. 

 "Hermione!" Before I could stop my self, I screamed her name. I head pounded more and my vision blurred. " Pansy?" I felt someone rap me into their arms.  " Pansy, what's happening?" It was Hermione.
Just before I could answer, images flashed before my eyes. Draco and Harry holding hands, Hermione and I laughing at a joke Draco told and Harry blushing at him. I see Hermione, Harry, Draco, Ginny, Blaise, Ron, and I all hanging out near the lake, laughing, talking, and having a good time.
Many more flashed by before I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
" I, I , I remember." I gasped out.  Hermione smiled and Pomfrey looked at me. " My dear, how did you do that?" I blushed and said. " I, I was looking at Hermione and then it just happened." 
 " So, you're telling me, you looked at 'Mione and you remembered? Just like that?" I nodded. 

 Wait, If I looked at Hermione and remembered, then why did it work on... " Harry! What do you feel when you look at Draco? No wait, someone give that boy a truth potion." I got strange looks, but Pomfrey gave Harry one. 

 After he drank it I walked, with the help of Hermione, to him and say beside him. " Okay Harry. What do you feel when you look at and/or think about Draco?" " I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and pounded on. Every time I saw you two holding hands I wanted to rip you two away from each other and take him fro my self. I want to hug him every day, hold his hand, be his everything like..." He was cut short when he screamed in pain and held his head. Everyone went towards him,but I held my arms up. " No, he can handle it. I did. "
 I stepped into the place my father told me too if I ever wanted to talk to him about his deal. I only waited a few minutes before he stepped into view. " Father." " Draco, my boy. Are you sure?" I smirked. " Of course, why would I want to help anyone that was with Potter?" He smiled and took my hand. " Welcome to the family business Draco."

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