What does this mean for us?

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I sat just outside the barrier waiting for Draco. 'What's taking him so long?' I thought as I sat down on the ground and laid on my back.
I looked at my watch and saw that it was midnight. Just as I stood up to head back Someone appeared in front of me. " Draco?" I asked. They started laughing. It was the laugh of a broken man. "Hello?" I asked as I pulled out my wand. "lumos."
I looked at the figure in front of me. They had their head bent down and all I saw was bond hair that I knew well. Their body was bent forward and they where holding their right arm.

" Draco?" I asked again. He stood up. His face was twisted into a mad mans smile. " Draco?" He mocked. His laughter picked up. I walked to him slowly. " Are you okay?" I asked getting concerned. I placed my hand in his shoulder and he laughed at me. " Harry? Of course I'm okay. My father helped with that. I felt pain from his wand, then I didn't. It was the best thing to ever happen to me!" He threw his arms in the air and wrapped them around me. " Now, you can have a man who is always happy."
I was shocked. I knew what happened. " Draco, why don't you come with me to someone where better for us?" He looked at me unblinking. " Sure!" He yelled. 'Draco, what have they done to you?'

Once we got to the Burrow, I dragged him into the kitchen and told him to stay there. I ran up to Molly.

" Molly. Molly." I called. She opened the door. "Harry dear. Do you know what time it is?" She was obviously tired. "I need you to come down stairs." I told her just as a laugh reached my ears. Molly looked at me then headed down the stairs.
I stepped into the kitchen to see Draco laying on his back with his head falling off the table. "Harry!" He said laughing.
Molly looked at me and then to Draco. "Why? What's wrong with him?" I shook my head. "All I can figure is that his father did this."
Draco stood up and laughed harder. "My Father's wand caused me so much pain and then it did nothing!" Draco fell to his knees laughing. Molly waves her wand and walked to the book shelf in the living room.
After a few minutes, she went up stairs. "I'll be right back dear. Keep him out of trouble please." I nodded.
Walking over to Draco. I looked him I the eye. They where glassy, but wild. He looked at me and opened his arms. I laughed slightly and pulled Draco into a hug.
"Draco, I'll help you get better. I swear." I placed a kiss on his cheek. Draco stared to laugh. "Harry, I love you." He was still laughing, but it sounded just like the old Draco. "I love you too."

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I released Draco to see Hermione standing with Molly. "Harry?" She said. I held Draco's hand and used my free one to wave them over.
"We have to figure out a way to him better." I said. Hermione nodded. She waved her wand and Draco then looked at Molly. "You where right." She said.
I looked between them with a confused looked. "Right about what?" I asked. Hermione turned to face me. "Harry, Draco's mind isn't stable as you can tell, but for some reason he was able to save part is his sane mind. We'll be able to help him giveing this fact, it will just take a while and a lot of self control."
I felt a wave of peace. I looked at Draco who was just staring into space with a mad man's smile. "I'll try. I have to. For him."
I looked at the clock. 3:30. I has brought Draco to bed with me and he was sleeping peacefully, looking just like his old self. "Don't worry Draco," I whispered. "I'll fix you,but at the moment, what does this mean for us?" I smiled and rolled so I was facing the sleeping boy. Wrapping my arms around him, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The End...for now.

That's the end of the first book or the only book no one wants a second one. Have a great day!/

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