What have I done to you?

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'Please don't let me lose him now. No,Please.'  I pulled at  my hair as I felt Harry look at me. 

Harry hasn't said a word to me in a while so I finally looked at him and said " I, I worried about you Harry. I wanted to hurt you and tuck you away so that you where safe at the same time. I felt like I should have killed you on the spot and be mad as hell at you, but also kiss you and go out for tea. I don't understand why I felt that sudden burst of energy that made me kill him, but I did." My voice cracked ever few words and my eyes stung from tears trying to fall. 

 Harry didn't look at me. He didn't say a word, all he did was breath and look at the wall in front of him. 
 I felt my heart speed up. " Harry. Please, just look at me." I begged. My father would kill me for sounding so weak, but at the moment I didn't care.  

 Slowly, Harry turned towards me. His face showed he was clearly hurt and confused. His eyes had the look of pure pain. " Draco. You wanted to kill me?" He voice was barely about a whisper. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words where choked out by the sob that was fighting to come out. 

 Harry shook his head and stood up. " What have I ever done to you?" His voice hardened as he spoke. I just looked at him. " Malfoy." I felt my heart break at the sound of my last name. I looked at Harry once again and saw that he had tears in his eyes. 
 " What have I ever done to you?" I asked. I just didn't know what to think. I knew he was under that potion, but he looked at me as he did it. He told me that when we where up there that he wanted to kill me, be mad at me. 'But he didn't.' Part of me said. 'Yet he killed Dumbledore as he looked at you.' The other part said.

 I felt tears start to form in my eyes and I saw them in Draco's. Damn it I wish he would look at me. " Malfoy." I said. I saw Draco filch as I said it. He looked at me with the same expression of a wounded puppy. 

 I took a deep, shaky breath and said, not thinking, " I think, I think that we need some time to think about everything that has happened in the last few hours Draco." My heart broke a little as his face turned from hurt ,to shocked ,to heart broken.
    Draco stood up and his face changed with a blink of an eye. " If that's what you want Potter, then I'll be leaving you to," He paused." Think." He walked to the door and just as his hand touched the handle, he stopped. " Oh and one thing. If you ever do stop thinking about what happened, come find me." He sighed. " I'm happy to be leaving this room. It's full of unwanted feelings and thoughts." 

 As his foot steps faded, I sunk to my knees. I pulled at my hair and cried slightly to myself. " Oh god Draco, what have I done to you?" 

  " I think, I think that we need sometime to think about everything that has happened in the last few hours Draco." Harry said after a shaky breath. 

 I felt my heart break. I knew what he meant. At first I was shocked, but when I stood up, I changed my face to one that I wore oh so well for years. " If that's what you want Potter, then I'll be leaving you to," I paused before my voice could crack. " Think." I walked over to the door and just as I was about to leave, I had a thought. " " Oh and one thing. If you ever do stop thinking about what happened, come find me." I sighed. 'I have to make him believe me.' I thought. " I'm happy to be leaving this room. It's full of unwanted feelings and thoughts."
 As I walked away, I felt my self break. I tried my best to walk away calmly, but once I got to the floor under Harry, I ran into a room and placed a charm  on the room so no one could hear me scream and cry. 

 I cried for who knows how long and ended up laying there hugging my sides as if that was helping me from falling apart. " Oh god Harry, what have you done to me? I was so calm, so held together, but now look at me." I said to no one. 
 At some point, I fell into a dreamless, cold sleep.


 Hello, I'm back. UGH school starts tomorrow, but I really wanted to get a chapter up because I've had this in my head ALL DAY! Okay bye.

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