Damn my head

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A/N A little of a heads up, I wanted this to stay true to good old JK's book, so I re-read the chapter that this is based off of, so if it sounds like it, that's kinda why. I'll change up a few things of course.

~Draco In the Astronomy Tower ~

" Expelliarmus." I lowered my wand as Dumbledore's fell to the ground. " Hello Draco." He said as if I stopped by for tea. I laughed nervelessly. " I'm about to kill you and you're hear talking like I've come for tea." He smiled. " Oh yes. You've been trying to kill me all year. The rum, the necklace. All good tired, but really my boy, is your heart in it?" I was baffled by what he said. " Of, Of course my heart has been in it. I've worked all bloody year!"
 Dumbledore closed his eyes and let out a long breath. " Oh Draco, you're not a killer, or a fighter. Come with me and I can help you. Help you remember who you are."  I felt a small pain in the back of my head. 'It's just stress Draco.' 
 " You're an old fool. No one can help me. I have to kill you or be killed along with my mother." I raised my wand again. I heard someone walk up behind me. " Draco, do it." It was Snape. My hand started to shake and my breathing grew faster. " I'm, I'm working in i. Back off." I heard the sound of someone running up to the stairs behind me, but Snape could handle it. 

 "Pertrificus Totalus !" Someone yelled and I heard Snape fall to the ground. I never took my eyes off of the old man. " Ah, Harry. Didn't I tell you to leave?" 'Harry? What's he doing here? He could get hurt. I mean of course he can, that's what I want to happen.' " I can't just stand here and watch you kill him Draco." I started at Dumbledore due to the odd feeling that if I looked at Harry, I would cry. 
 " Draco! Look at me." Harry said sternly. " Do it Draco, I'll be here when you turn back." 'Why is he just standing there like he wants to die?' 
 Slowly I turned to Harry. " What do you want Potter?" I cursed my self for letting my voice sound weak. " I want you to stop and remember what you've been told not to." I blinked at him. " You're as batty as he is." Feeling a sudden boost of energy, I turned to the old man. "Avada Kedavra." With a flash of green light, Dumbledore's body was falling from the top of the tower to the bottom. 
 " No!" Harry yelled. He glared at me and ran towards the edge.  'Go to him.' One half of me thought. 'No, kill him.' The other yelled.  

 I slowly walked over to Harry and sat down beside him. " I fucking hate you right now Draco." He said it through tears. I only moved a little closer to him and said " I thought you always hated me Potter." I heard him sigh. " Oh yeah, I forgot you're still under that damn potion." I felt rage rush through me.  I stood up causing Harry to look at me. " Why are you talking and looking at me like that Potter? It's like you love me or something." I yelled at him. I was about to apparat out, Harry took my hand and looked me in the eye. " Is there a pain in the back of your head?" I was about to snap at him and demand that he'd let me go, but the small pain burst to life and I felt my self fall on to Harry. The last thing I remember is Harry rubbing my neck trying to calm me down.


" What do you mean you don't know where the boy is?" The Dark Lord asked me all to calm. 'Draco owns me.' I thought to my self. 

 "My lord, Draco did kill Dumbledore, I saw the body fall to the ground my self, but when I went to make sure he did not have any unwelcome guest, he was gone. I had figured that he had come to you my lord." He nodded. " I see, he must have gone somewhere for the night. I understand. It was his first kill."

 The Dark Lord told me to leave and I headed to the Order to inform them of what I know.


"Harry, you should sleep." Hermione said. " You've been up all night. You helped Dumbledore get a horcruxe and you saw him murdered, it's been a long day for you." I nodded. " Hermione, I knew you're trying to help, but you put that a little to bluntly."  She turned red and said " Sorry Harry." 
 Ron walked into the infirmary and looked from Hermione, to me, to Draco. " Why the bloody hell are we helping him?" Hermione and I looked at each other. She nodded. " Ron, I have something I need to tell you and you have to swear you'll still be my friend no matter what it is." He look puzzled, but he sat down on the bed beside Draco. Hermione sat next to him and held his hand. " Ron, Hermione and I where never really going out. We never went out for walks. That's because I'm gay. I was dating Draco until we were forced to drink a potion that made us forget that we ever where even nice to each other. Pansy has a huge crush on Hermione and Snape and Draco's dad wanted Pansy to have a thing, so they drank a slightly different potion than I did. Pansy and I somehow managed to remember and Draco, I think, is trying to." Ron looked like he couldn't decided of he should be happy or mad. 

 As usual, he says the stupid thing. " So, you're both gay?" Hermione slapped the back of his head. "No, Harry is. I'm not." " So, both of you like guys?" I placed my face in my hand and said " Yes Ron, but don't worry. I've never fancied any one from Gryffendor." Ron smiled and said. " Well if that means Hermione is single, and you've never looked at me that way, I'm perfectly fine." I smiled and said" Great, I was scared you would hate me." Ron laughed. " Yeah, I understand why you would think that." Hermione smiled and said " Come here you idiot." Ron looked at her and she kissed him quickly on the lips and Ron pulled her quickly back for more. 

 'Love birds.' I thought to my self. I had gotten over seeing happy couples in the halls, but it still hurt when ever I saw was Draco. I knew Pansy was waiting for us out side the door so I walked over and let her in. Before she saw what was going on with Ron and Hermione, I waved my wand and gave them some alone time. 

 "Harry, I heard about what he did. I am so sorry." Pansy sat down at the end of Draco's bed. " I know he had no other choice. His mom and him would have been killed, but I wish I had gotten there before Snape." Her eyes widened. " Snape? As in my head of house?" I nodded. " Well that would explain why he was gone all the time." 

 My head. It hurt as memories flew behind my eyelids. I remembered everything my father made me forget and I remembered everything from the love potion to that night in the Room of Requirement.

 I could just make out voices around me and I slowly opened my eyes. I moaned and placed my hand on my face. " Draco? Harry! He's up!" 'Pansy?' " What? Really?" Harry said happily.
 I sat up and looked around. I saw Ron, Hermione, Pansy and that one person I really wanted to see, Harry.

 " Damn my head." I said and I reached for the water beside me. Harry laughed and asked " Do, Do you remember me?" He sounded like a child that knew he was in trouble. I swallowed the water and motioned for him to come closer to me. Once he was in arms reach I pulled him in and kissed him. " Of course I remember you, you idiot."

 Harry smiled and sat down beside me. Then I remembered what happened tonight. " Oh my god. I'm going to Azkaban. I killed him. I fucking killed him and you lot are smiled at me. I bloody killed one of your favorite people and you're being nice to me." I was freaking out. I know I'm supposed to be with my parents and report to the Dark Lord, but I'm here. He'll have my head. 

 " Draco, we'll work it out. We wanted to wait for you to wake up before we took you to the order so we can." Hermione said. " Come on, Take Harry's hand and we'll meet you there." 

 Pansy took Hermione's hand and they where gone and not long after, so was Ron.
 " Come on Draco." Harry said holding out his hand. " It'll be fine. Trust me." I took his hand and the next thing I knew, we where in front of a muggle apartment place, but with one extra in the middle that looked every out of place. With Harry still holding my hand, he lead me to the front door. " Come on. They'll have a lot of questions for you." 

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