Crap ( please read the A/N)

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 Yes, Hello. Hi, Yeah I know I haven't been  updating like I should ad for that I say I am sorry. I haven't thought of how I should write the next bits. I have a huge idea for this story, but I can't think of any way to fucking make it work. My brain is being an ass. ah well, here we go on an update that I am hoping will make since. Also I am sorry for any grammar problems. I make those a lot. Sorry. 


 That's all I could think through about to next three weeks.

It was dinner and I was thinking about random things like snogging Harry, passing my classes and Pansy wanting to snog the red headed girl. Pansy was putting on the act that we all agreed on. " Dray? Sweety?" Pansy was putting on the act that we all agreed on   " Hum? Oh sorry love, I was thinking." She smiled. " Okay, just wondering. You really should eat. You still have those awful few hours with that Potter boy. You know you'll be there a while giving the fact he's so slow at everything." 
 I smirked because I knew exactly what she really meant.

----------------------------------------------Time skip to Draco "helping" Harry-------------------------------------------
 "Draco." Harry said in between kisses. 

 We had been kissing for a good thirty minutes now. 
 " Draco," kiss, " We need to," kiss, moan, " Get to work," kiss," Before someone walks in." I bit his lip earning one more moan before breaking away.
" You're no fun Harry." I joked. Harry rolled his eyes and pulled his things out. " As much as I love kissing you until my lips go numb, I need to pass potions." I smirked at him and grabbing my things as well.
 " So, you got the basic potions down and the ingredients and how to make a potion with out almost killing us, so we're off to a good start." I said. He nodded. " Yeah, so now it's just getting to potions that are at our year level that I need to get down. 

Harry and I worked on making liquid luck when two owls started peaking at the windows. " I'll get it, you keep working." I got up and let them in. When I looked at the letters, my heart started to beat faster. They were from my father. 
 " Draco? What's wrong." I heard the worry in his voice. With shaking hands, I opened one of the letters. 
Dear Draco,
 Of course you remember the potions that I gave you, Pansy and Potter. Drink them the moment you are all in the Room of Requirement. Go there now, and do drink them all at the same time. 
 Your father,

Harry stood up. " Draco, we can't." I walked towards the door. " Harry, we have to. Not only is my father telling us to do this, but Snape. Come on. Go get your potion bottle and meet me in the Room. Please Harry." I pleaded. 

 Harry walked up to me and cupped my face. " Only because I have no other choice." With that he kissed me like it was the last time he would get to. I kissed him back with the same passion. 

( Time skip again. Only to get the story going. Sorry peoples. It has to be done.)

 " Draco, are you sure?" Pansy asked while we were waiting for Harry. " No Pansy. I don't know. If I did would tell you. All I know is that you and I have the green potion and Harry has the yellow one." "Well can you tell by the colo..." Pansy! I've told you I don't know!" I snapped at her only to have her snap back. " Well I'm sorry fro trying to figure out the the hell your father has given us!" 
Just then Harry can running in with his potion in his hand. " Sorry I took so long." He said between breaths. 
 He must have ran.
 " Harry." I said. I walked over to him and pulled him into a long kiss. No movement. Just lips touching. 
 "Let's get this over with." Pansy said, taking her potion out of my hand.

 We stood in a circle and opened our bottles. " On three." I said. "One.Two.Three." 
 The potion tasted horrible. I made a face and the others did the same. " I,I feel funny." Harry said holding his head.
 The next thing I knew he was passed out on the floor. " Harry." I whispered as I began to lose consciousness. It was was only a matter of seconds when I gave into the darkness.
( Time when they drank to potions, 11:30)

" Oh my head." I sat up with my head throbbing. I looked over to see the Pansy. Her black hair was covering her face and she looked so peaceful as she slept. Her lips parted just enough to make her look years younger. 
 I tapped her shoulder and said " Pansy. Love, wake up." She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. " Draco? What happened?" I opened my mouth to answer when I heard someone groan. " Bloody hell. My head." I turned to see the one and only Harry Potter. " What the hell did you do to us Potter?" I snapped at him. 
 Potter glared at me. " Me? You must be out of your mind Malfoy." 
 I felt something in my chest break when he said that, but I just ignored it and helped Pansy up.
  " Sure Potter. I bet you messed up another potion like you normally do. I will speak to my father about Snap's agreement. I will not be spending anymore time then need be with likes of you." With that I took Pansy's and marched out of the RoR with the breaking feeling in my chest growing stronger and stronger. I still don't know why. Pansy and I have't broken up ad I am sure Potter has nothing to do with this feeling.

"One. Two.Three." 

 I drank my potion at the same time as the others and it tasted worse than Hermione's cooking. 
 My head started to spin. " I, I feel funny." I said as I place my hand to my head.
 " Harry." Draco whispered, but it was too late. I was out like a light. 

Bump, bump. Bump, bump. 
 I could heart my heart beat loudly in my ears. 
 I groaned and said " Bloody hell. My head." 
 I heard the voice of the last person I wanted to. Malfoy. 
" What the hell did you do to us Potter?" He snapped. " Me? You must be out of your mind Malfoy." I said glaring at him. 

 Sure Potter. I bet you messed up another potion like you normally do. I will speak to my father about Snap's agreement. I will not be spending anymore time then need be with likes of you." Draco said. With that he took Pansy's hand and marched out. I didn't even know that girl was in here. 
 I watched him leave and with passing second I felt my heart break more and more. ' What the heck Harry, It's not like you love Pansy, and you know you aren't gay. I mean, you fancy Ginny.' 
 With that thought, I got up and walked toward the Gryffindor tower hoping that I wouldn't break down from the odd feeling that keeps growing in my chest.

 yep. that happened. Comment, vote, go crazy. I don't care...well I do, but ughhh annnnnywyyyyyy hi. bye


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