True Pacifist: Part 6

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As Frisk walks through Alphys' Lab, they spot a note on the ground. As they walk up to the note, the bathroom door across from it opens automatically. Frisk ignores the door for now and reads the note instead.

The handwriting is a mess and the message is hard to decipher but Frisk manages.

The note reads, "Hey. Thanks for your help back there. You guys... Your support really means a lot to me. But... As difficult as it is to say this... You guys alone can't magically make my own problems go away. Especially since everyone has problems of their own that need to be addressed. I want to be a better person. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't want to help others only to protect myself. And for that to happen, I have to be able to face my own mistakes, on my own terms. I'm going to start doing that now. I want to be clear. This isn't anyone else's problem but mine. But if you don't ever hear from me again... If you want to know 'the truth'... Enter the door next to this note. You all at least deserve to know what I did. Who I hurt."

That is all that the note says.

Frisk walks into what they had thought was just a bathroom, only to find an elevator instead. The door closes behind them and the elevator begins to travel down. At first, everything seems normal until suddenly, an alarm starts blaring as an automated message comes through the speaker.


True Lab

The True Lab goes very similarly to the original version, at least in the beginning. Frisk has to explore the eerie halls of this facility in search of the four keys needed to reach the power generator to restart the elevator. The unsettling atmosphere is made worse by the inconsistent sound of something banging against metal.

As Frisk explores the True Lab, they learn about Determination, the Amalgamates that continuously harass them, the Dreemur family's backstory and what exactly Alphys' relationship with the Sanctuary is.

There are a few extra entries on the walls.

ENTRY NUMBER 22: THEY KNOW! THEY KNOW! The Wild East knows what I did. Maybe they don't know EXACTLY what I did but they know enough. They want answers. Ms Ketsukane wants to see her daughter. If this gets out, then there'll be no stopping the coming war. The Underground won't recover. Maybe I can offer them some kind of deal?

ENTRY NUMBER 23: They need equipment. The Dunes has never been very resource friendly and the Wild East and Oasis Valley weren't exactly built to be self-sustaining. They need water purifiers, wires, farming equipment, security... I can do that. I can do this. If I help them then they might back off. No one else will know.

ENTRY NUMBER 24: This arrangement has been... stressful. It's not easy but who said playing both sides in a war would be? Nevertheless, they've been honouring our agreement. I provide them with the necessary tools to survive without the rest of the Underground and they don't pry into what I did. Mayor Ketsukane definitely isn't happy. I haven't spoken to her since the arrangement was made. It's mostly been Clover who does the talking. He's nice but... I'm scared of what he'll do if he learns what I did to the Souls. What I took from them.

ENTRY NUMBER 25: I've been thinking about Kanako a lot recently. She's the only one who didn't merge with any of the others despite her body seemingly having a similar composition as them. She also appears to be the most physically stable. She looks almost identical to what she looked like before all of this started, at least when she's calm. I originally assumed that it was due to her being a Boss Monster but... that can't be the only reason. When I rewatched the footage of that day, I noticed multiple peculiar details. She was the first to wake up and the last to start... melting. When all of the others began fusing together, she refused to let any of them come near her. She hid in a corner and she would growl at the others. She would scratch at them with claws that I didn't even know she had. She even kicked some of them away with enough force for them to fly into the opposite wall. She acted more like a wounded animal trying to survive than a little girl. None of the others acted this way, no matter how scared they got. It's probably because of the lighting and the camera but I think I saw her eyes flash blue sometimes. She's calmed down a lot since that day but she still keeps her distance. I don't think I've ever seen her in person since it happened. I wish I could investigate further but I doubt she'll ever let me near her soul again."

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