10. Adrenaline Rush

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It was already pretty late when Asami was going back home from her walk. She took a longer walk today to see around the town more. The roads were quite dark already, only the streetlights lightened the road slightly. There was a walkway and a driveway close to each other, only a small gap of trees and grass separating them. There wasn't much traffic on the driveway now. But soon there approached a car, while she heard another vehicle coming from her direction. 

She noticed how fast the car drove. Probably over speed limits. But she sees that often, especially later in the evening, so she didn't mind it.

The closer the car got, she noticed how it meandered as if the driver was drunk. It sometimes went into the oncoming lane, which was dangerous now in that situation.

Asami glanced behind her and saw that the another vehicle was a motorcycle or a moped, she couldn't see clearly. The driver of the other vehicle was already starting to brake, since the speed of the car did not slow down at all. Then it happened just in milliseconds, the car hit the moped hard when it veered into the wrong lane again.

The rider of the moped flew off the back of his bike and fell to the ground next to it. Asami was stunned, as if it was a dream. She could only just gasp and panic, not being able to move yet.

The car stopped for a moment, probably realizing that it crashed now, but then shamelessly continued its way at high speed.

Then Asami ran to the crashed driver from the walkway. He sat up, but weakly while holding his arm.

"Sir, are you okay?!" She asked, still feeling taken aback.

"Fuck.." He muttered and slowly stood up. He walked to his vehicle and looked at its condition. It was a moped, not a motorcycle. At least what she saw was a crashed and destroyed invidual now.

"Fuck!" He then repeated in frustration. Asami couldn't believe the first thing he cares was his bike, surely it may have cost a lot. But the speed he had the accident in was high, he needs to be taken to hospital.

"I'm calling the emergency." Asami decided and pulled out her phone from her pocket. She took some distance and told what has happened. When she again looked at the driver's way, he was now taking his helmet off and threw it aside as he did it.

Now Asami was even more stunned and stared him taken aback. She probably skipped some instructions the authorities told.

It's Riki. Well, of course! That's the same bike. How did I not realize? I was panicing probably, so I didn't pay attenttion.

Then she started hesitating of helping him. He doesn't even look so injured after all. But of course she should help. Still, she started hesitating so bad.

Why am I hesitating? I'm going to hell if I don't help him. He's much a jerk, but still a human being.

He looked at her, probably only just now realizing who she was. He seemed like he didn't know what to do either. But he had no time anyway, since he fell down to the ground in the second.

"Riki!" Asami exclaimed while running to him and crouching next to him. She was so shocked, but hopefully he only fainted.

The emergency was probably on their way now, but they won't be there immediately. Asami had no idea what to do, she was just crouching next to Riki's motionless body. She just hoped a car would pass by so she could as help, but there wasn't any cars. Then she remembered that she was still on the phone with the emergency.

"Miss, are you still there? The help is on the way." The woman from the other line spoke.

She grapped her phone from the asphalt where she accidentally dropped it due to the panic. "Yes. He passed out, what do I do?" She asked stressfully.

"He passed out? Okay. Is he still breathing?"

Asami sat down on the asphalt next to him and checked him out. His chest was moving, which was a sign that he was breathing. "Yes, he's breathing." She replied.

"Okay, that's good. Now you have to check his pulse. You can do that, right?"

"Ye-yeah." She stuttered and then took one if his wrists. "It's- It's slow." She replied to the woman. "He isn't gonna die, right? I don't know how to CPR, I'm scared.."

"It's okay. He isn't going to die. Just try to stay calm, the emergency is soon there."

Asami was really freaking out. She had never been in such a situation, and on top of that she knew the one who was hurt. What if he dies in her hands because she didn't know how to help? She could never live with that.

Soon the ambulance arrived, which was a huge relief. They asked something from Asami and she replied everything she knew. They carried Riki safely inside and drove off, while some other authorities stayed with her and asked more about the crash. They also moved Riki's bike to the side and were about to call someone to pick it up.

Asami told them that she is his neighbour and knows where he lives, so they could bring his bike home straightly. They seemed to believe her and went with it.

The other aurhorities came in a pick up truck and took the moped, and Asami also. So, she got a ride home.

They arrived at their place. The authorities went to talk to Riki's parents and at the same time they got the key to the garage.

Asami had his helmet with her for the whole ride. She just looked at the scratches on the other side. In the other hand she is really glad that nothing too serious happened. With the two men she also brought the helmet to Nishimuras' garage, where now also stood the crashed bike.


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