11. Fuck my life

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Riki had been in the hospital for couple of hours. Some of the nurses recognized him, since he visits his grandma so often. The nurses of course asked for his guardians, but he kept saying his grandma's name, who laid in the same hospital.

After all, they had to go to his grandmother and ask her who his guardians are at the moment, and of course she told truthfully. She had no idea.

Riki's right hand was wrapped in a plaster cast, and even though he had eaten pain killers, the pain was still agonizing. When he was allowed to get up from the bed again he went to his grandmother.

She looked so worried when she saw him entering her room with a broken arm. "Oh, my dear son!" She teared up and tightly hugged him when she reached to do so. "You have no idea how I freaked out when the nurses told me! I told you that driving alone is dangerous!"

"But it wasn't my fault. I drove safely, someone else didn't." He replied.

"I know, I know." She patted his back.

Riki talked with his grandmother for a great while. Then his own nurses told him that he was free to go. They even called his parents to pick him up and told him that his moped apparently had brought home already.

He hated it that they had called his parents, but what can he do. His mother still picked him up. She asked in the car how he was feeling and all, as if she was worried. But Riki bets she honestly doesn't give a fuck.

He feels more home at the hospital than at the place he should call home. Sometimes he has hoped that he'd hurt himself so badly that he has to lay in the hospital for a longer period of time.


Riki's mother parked the car in the same garage his moped was already in. He hopped out of the car immediately and went to his bike. The side of the moped was dented, the topcoat had scraped off, and there also must be something broken with the mechanism.

Fuck my life.

"Riki. Come inside, you need to rest." His mother said. He sighed and then walked away from the garage with his mother.

When they walked to the front door of the building, he looked Asami's house for a while. He knew from the very first day that she lived there when he saw her with her brothers.

He remembers clearly that she was the one who called for help today, and somehow he feels like he should thank her for that. Because it doesn't matter how badly he really wants to end his life, he can't. Only because he promised to his grandma to live a good and healthy life. He can't let her down, since it might as well be her last wish.

When the two arrived at their flat, it was quiet. Until the sofa creaked and heavy steps began to approach them.

"You stupid boy!" His father said aggressively and threw a hard slap on his cheek. His mother gasped a little.

"You dared to crash that bike! Here passed by the police or something because of you. Piece of crap! The fucking hospital will probably send a bill too!" He gave more punches to his face, stomach, just where ever those drunked punches go.

"Honey, he just came from a hospital!" His mother put in and held his arm lightly. She never do that. She always just watched as Riki gets beaten up every day for no good reason at all.

Riki was so tired. He had no energy to fight back or even say anything back. He's just so fucking tired.

His father then calmed down a little after what his wife said. Then he backed off and went back to the couch. In the same second without glancing anyone Riki quickly headed to his room.

"Riki.." His mother called after him, but he did nothing about it, pretended he didn't hear her.


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