4. That dude is not sane

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"Okay, I made you three problems here on the chalkboard and I'll choose three of you to solve them." Ms. Hirota said. "I'll take.. Mr. Saito, Mr. Nishimura and.. Ms. Amaya!" She called. Asami already was in the hope she wouldn't get picked. She so not gonna solve it.

However she walked to the front of the class and felt how Riki behind her did so too. The three went in front of the chalkboard and took a chalk pencil. Asami just examined the problem for a brief while.

Damn. I'm so bad at math. I don't know this! I don't even know the calculation method.

She got a little nervous as she with the side of her vision saw how both the boys next to her started writing something. She just decided to glance from someone a little to get even some kind of idea. First she glanced to her left to Ren's problem but she didn't understand his hand writing at all. It was like an undiscovered language or something.

Then she glanced to Riki's side and for her unfortune she saw his writing with clear and thick letters, 'IDK FUCK THIS' and with a smiley face in the end.

She stared at that with disbelief as he just thickened the letters more when he seemed to be ready obviously. Then he threw the chalk from his hand and turned around to Asami who was already looking at his direction. He just smiled at her mischievously with a mix of proudness as well. Then he walked back to his seat.

Ren finished as well, and now she was left alone for a moment. The teacher walked next to her. "Don't know, Ms. Amaya? It's alright, let's do it together then." She said and motioned Asami to go back to her seat. Then she cleared her throat loudly and slowly turned around to the class.

"Mr. Nishimura, what's this?" She asked in disbelief and pointed at his art work.

"Oh, it's my solution." He replied proudly.

"You could've just said you didn't know it instead of writing profanity like this." Ms. Hirota sighed in a small way.

"I didn't even try." He responded.

Then Ms. Hirota approached his desk while squinting her eyes. "And why do you have another bruise on your cheek? It wasn't there yesterday." She asked in a little frustrated way.

"Why the fuck is it your business?" He snapped boldly.

"Enough." Ms. Hirota said firmly. "Nishimura, out." She pointed at the door. He sighed and did like she told to. "Wait there. We're gonna have a talk." She said, sounding very fed up.


Today was Asami's first P.E lesson at her new school. They apparently had the same P.E with boys today, because their female teacher was absent. And worse was that they had dodgeball, and now with two balls. She definitely does not like it, but there is worse than that too.

They had their P.E uniform, which was long pants and a t-shirt. Then they were divided into two teams. Asami was on the same side as Naomi and some others.

The game started and the two balls started to fly through the air. Nobody really aimed at her yet, maybe they tried to get rid of the best ones first. Still, she couldn't help it but to be scared when the ball was on Riki, who was on the other team, because he threw the ball literally too hard.

"Ouch! Riki, why the hell are you throwing so hard?!" Naomi said in disbelief as he hit her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Riki knitted his eyebrows together, like he didn't know what she was talking about. Naomi then walked to the side since she was eliminated by him.

Suddenly the game started to get intense between the boys. Kaito from her team somehow repeatedly stood in front of Asami, so she wouldn't get eliminated easily like the other girls from her team.

"Seriously, Riki, you don't have to play with so much force." Kaito said while he kept protecting Asami. The rest of her team's boys also started blocking the girls, so they don't get hit easily.

"I'm not!" Riki denied, but he truly played like it was between life and death. Now the boys from Asami's team started playing forcefully to to eliminate Riki, but he was too good. He just kept eliminating players from her side with those strong throws of him.

"Yeah, Mr. Nishimura can reduce his force." The boys' P.E teacher now calmly urged while observing the game.

But Riki didn't reduce his strenght like he was told to. Next he threw the ball right at Asami. Somehow just in that moment Kaito wasn't blocking her fully. And worse was that it hit her head.

"Shit, are you okay?" Kaito turned around to her.

"Y-yeah." She muttered. The teacher blew to his whistle so the game took a break.

"See?! I knew someone was gonna get hurt!" Naomi scolded Riki.

"Yeah, Riki is taking a break now." The teacher said calmly but with a small sigh.

"What break? Why only me?" He spoke back with irritation. The teacher walked Riki to the side of the gym and presumably had a talk with him.

"Seriously, that dude is not sane." Kaito stated to Asami in disbelief, yet a little jokingly while watching Riki having a conversation with the teacher.

While they started the next round the teacher made Riki to sit on a bench for the whole game, so he didn't participate anymore. And maybe it was better, so they can play without worries.


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