1. The Boy

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It was a Monday and early in the morning. Asami's first day at her new school. She's really nervous but also excited in some way. Asami stepped inside her new classroom after her new homeroom teacher, Ms. Hirota. The class was quite noisy, everyone still talking. Some of the students already noticed her and started whispering something to their friends.

"Okay, silence!" Ms. Hirota silenced down the classroom while some students also walked to their own desks. "Today, you've got a new classmate. Would you want to introduce yourself?" She inquired.

Asami nodded. "Hi, I'm Asami Amaya, I moved here from Nagoya. I hope we can become friends some day." She smiled.

"Thank you, Ms. Amaya." Ms. Hirota said happily and then looked at her own students in front of them. She cleared her throat, "Mr. Nishimura." She called and looked at the boy who seemed to be sleeping on his desk. There was no answer, he kept sleeping.

"Mr. Nishimura!" She now raised her voice where to the boy now woke up. "No sleeping in class. And where is your uniform?" She asked in disbelief. Everyone in the class wore an uniform except him, he was wearing a grey hoodie.

"Still at the cleaners." He replied with a low and tired voice.

"You had the whole weekend time to wash it?" She inquired and crossed her arms. The boy just shrugged and now sat straight up.

"Oh, boy." Ms. Hirota now claimed with a deep breath. "What do you have on your face again?" She asked and walked to his desk to have a closer look. He had bruises on his face, a cut on his lip and a redden cheek.

"You're going to see the nurse after this period." Ms. Hirota urged.

"No way." The boy frowned.

"Yes way. Or at this rate I start calling to your parents, because this is not okay that every week you have some kind of bruises."

"Okay, fine. I just fell anyway." He muttered. Ms. Hirota hummed as a response and turned back to head to her own desk.

"Oh, right, Ms. Amaya. Go sit there in front of Nishimura." She said and pointed at the free desk in front of the boy. Asami nodded and started walking to the seat. The boy looked at her menacingly as she approached, so she just quickly looked somewhere else and sat down.

"Okay, today we're gonna head to page one hundred and twenty-seven. Right, Ms. Amaya have you gotten any books yet?" Ms. Hirota asked.

"No." Asami answered and shook her head.

"Then, Nishimura, since you sit at the back, could you get a book for her from the counters behind you." She urged, but more like commanded.

The boy just dragged his chair back, leaving annoying dragging sounds and took a book from the counter behind him. Then he threw the book towards Asami and it luckily only hit her shoulder before slamming onto the floor.

"Riki Nishimura! Out of the classroom, now!" Ms. Hirota yelled angrily.

"Finally." The boy sighed and stood up from his chair to head out.

"And we will talk about this after class!" She yet shouted after him and sighed deeply when he was out of sight. "Who on earth hurt that boy?" She muttered in disbelief and started writing something on the chalk board.

Asami was just about to grap the book from the floor, but the girl next to her did it before her.

"I'm so sorry. He's always been like that, a dick. Don't worry about it." The girl said and gave the book to her.

"Oh, okay. I see." Asami replied. The girl fixed her glasses and smiled. "I'm Misaki by the way."


After the first period Asami wanted to go see around the school, since she hasn't really looked around it yet. Every corridor had students except the one she entered now. She heard talking from a peculiar room, or she isn't sure was it even talking. It was more like yelling. She didn't hear any words closely, but only when she walked closer to the door.

She heard a boy's voice. "Don't fucking call my parents. I already said I only fell?"

"You always say that." A female's voice said.

"Well, anyway. You basically have no rights to interfene in my private life." His voice started getting aggresive yet uneasy.

"I know that. But even your teacher is worried?" "Hey, are you running away from me?" The female voice said, while Asami started hearing footsteps approaching the door. She even had no time to think before the door flew open and a tall boy stormed out of the room.

He seemed to be in hurry, so he didn't have time to see her and bumped hard onto her, so that she fell to the floor.

"Get out of my way." The boy said in a dull way and walked away from the corridor fast.

"Oh, dear!" The woman came from the room after him. She was the nurse, according to her clothes. The nurse stretched out her hand for Asami to help her up.

"I'm sorry about that. That boy is quite the problem." She said and lifted Asami up.

"Nothing." She replied.

Now if she thinks, she didn't see the boy fully, only his chest, but he might have been the boy from her class. That Riki. Because he wasn't wearing a school uniform, only a gray hoodie. But she can't be sure.



Hi everyone! So, this is a new book I will upload soon. I have all chapters ready and waiting to get released, but I will release this first chapter first as a "pilot" chapter, seeing how many of you is interested! Hope you will like this one too.

Love y'all!

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