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There will be some gore in this chapter, nothing extreme, mostly just the mentioning of blood, wounds and death. (I suck at explaining gore scenes because I personally can't really handle it:P) So if you're someone that can't handle that, I'd advise you not to read this chapter (Mostly towards the end)


"Oh no... You didn't think they actually... Rebuilt him, do you..?" I asked as I stared at the tree house-like structure

"Knowing them, they probably did..."

"I thought Lock was on our side..." Megan frowned

If I had eyes, that would most defiantly deserve an eye roll. She didn't actually believe that liar, did she? Wow, she must be more gullible than I thought...

"I knew I should have stopped them when I had the chance! Why couldn't dad believe m-"

"Wait!" The thought hit me suddenly "The town was empty, completely deserted. Everyone's probably in there! They're probably all dead by now!" I yelled pointing at the lair 

"We have to help them!" Megan exclaimed

"No! It's too dangerous! Going in there is like suicide, do you have a death wish or something?!" Jake yelled back

"Mom and dad are in there, we have to help them you idiot!" I yelled back

"Well, mom and dad wouldn't want me to let you guys in there! They'd want me to take as far away as possible and keep you two safe!"

"I don't give a damn, I'm helping them! I'd rather be dead knowing they're alive than be alive knowing they're dead!"

"What if you're both dead then? They wouldn't want you to die trying to save them whether they were already dead or alive!"

"You can stay here but I'm going, and you can't stop me." I ended our fight and stomped towards Oogie's lair

"I'm going too then" Megan said as she began walking with me

"Susan! Megan! Wait!" Jake yelled once we prove that we meant our words

"Come on Megan, he's gonna try to stop us." I whispered to my twin as we both ran towards the building at full speed

"What do we do now?" Megan asked as we slowed to a stop right outside the structure

"We gotta get down there..." I said as I pointed down the pit surrounding the tree house

"How? I'm not gonna jump."

"Here, follow me" I whispered as I climbed down a rope that went between the old boards of the rickety bridge

"How much further down is it?" 

Screams could be heard every now and again, there was hardly any silence as when there was no screaming, there was that evil laughter I hated.

"Sh, I see a opening." I replied as I stopped climbing at the opening that was conveniently placed right in front of us 

Once I was sure my legs were tightly wrapped around the rope, I let go and grabbed the bars on the opening for a better look. However, I was beginning to regret my decision. About half of the town was in there, and they didn't look good-at all. Most of them were lying on the floor, some injured and some dead, it was hard to tell with most though. The ones that weren't dead were all huddled in the corner of the room, some screaming while most cried as they watched their loved ones suffer. 

A nightmare before christmas (tnbcforever)Where stories live. Discover now