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We ended up back in the grave yard by spiral hill.

"look" Cheyenne pointed towards the grave with the secret entrance that Jake and the rest went in to discuss their 'plan'

Jake,markus,morgan,and Cameron we're hanging around it talking about something.

"did they see us?!"I said worried

"naw, they're to busy talking about sports and games to even bother to glance up"
Devvy said

"oh.." I looked at the dead leaves on the ground

" I wonder when santa's going to get the note I left him" I said

"for the on hundredth time Susan, it's SANDY CLAWS not Santa Claus" devvy corrected me

"he will probably get it soon. We don't know when he left or when he gets back so we won't know until it actually snows. Are you sure that he'll actually make it snow?" Cheyenne answered

"of course it will, Santa Claus uh I mean sandy claws is a understanding person."
I said


I walked up spiral hill, Cheyenne said she had to tell me something important

There was a figure that sat on the hill

"so what did you want to tell me?"

"hm?" the person turned around

It wasn't Cheyenne..

It was Cameron..

"oh sorry, I thought you were Cheyenne" I said turning around

"no wait" he grabbed my hand " you don't have to leave"

"come sit down" he added and patted on the spot next to him

"oh ok" I sat down

There was a silence that seemed to last forever

"so do you like it here?" he asked

"yeah it's pretty neat here"

"um" he scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly "do you uh-"

White flakes suddenly fell from the sky

"SNOW!" I stood up

"it's snowing!! I can't believe it's actually snowing!" I screamed excitedly

"wow it's never snowed here in 9 years" he said
Even though he didn't seem excited at all

"so what did you want to ask me, before I interrupted you"

"oh it was nothing"

"well, I have to go" he added as he quickly disappeared down the swirly hill

I wonder what he wanted to tell me. It mustn't have been any thing important.
Oh well.

I sat on the hill gazing at the moon and the snowflakes that now had a thick white sheet on the ground.

Wait the moon?
It must be at least 9:00 or 10:00.
Mom and dad are probably worried sick by now.

I better get home.

I walked back home and surprisingly saw no citizens or anybody else outside.
I was right outside the door when I let out a long sigh of relief.

I would be in deep trouble if someone saw me go into the hinterlands and maybe if someone saw me on spiral hill with Cameron.

It's not like we were kissing or anything
We were just talking, and we hardly even talked.

"I hope nobody saw me" I whispered to myself

"who? Like me?" a voice came from behind me which sent shivers down my spine.

I quickly turned around to see Jack
starring at me with his boney
arms crossed over his chest.

Oh no...


Sorry I didn't update in a while.
Hope you guys like this chapter :)
I'll try to get another update for tomorrow!


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