Lock (super short chapter)

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(A/N I should have added this to my last chapter but this is gonna be a real short chapter so please don't hate me :( )

"And he's my boyfriend" Megan said plainly

I did another spit take

"YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" jake yelled in my ear again

he should be yelling this in Megan's ear not mine

"OH MY GOD JAKE WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!" I yelled covering my ears and going into the living room with everyone following me

"Sorry Susan, I forgot" he frowned at me

"its ok just don't do it again or I well rip your vocal cords out one by One" I growled

he was really hurting my ears..

"Oh and I invited him over" Megan said

right on que there was a knock on the door..

"Come in !" Megan yelled

"nobody listens" I whispered

walking into the kitchen

Lock walked in and greeted Megan with a kiss

" I missed you!" Megan hugged him

" I missed you too!"

"Jake.." Locks expression changed from happy to ticked


"Does anyone know where the headache pills are ?" I yelled from the kitchen

Megan came into the kitchen leaving Jake and Lock alone in the living room

After half an hour we finally found them.

I took some and went into the living room while Megan stayed back to get something to eat

As soon as I got out, Lock pulled me into a hug and kissed me

"GET OFF ME YOU WEIRDO!" I yelled pushing Lock away

Jake laughed

"But" Lock looked heart broken

when Megan came in..

"I'm so Sorry Lock, that's my twin sister, Susan"

"It's ok" he rubbed his head.

he smiled

"I'm going to bed, Megan, wake me up before the dance" I say walking into my room

"Ok" I hear Megan's voice from the living room


Hey so I just wrote this to continue from the last chapter, but I should gave added it to the last chapter..

Oh well


<=> Amber

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