Mirror mirror

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"Hurry up everyone were gonna be late!"

I practically jumped out of my shoes

Today was the day we were going to see our parents. I couldn't wait.

I stood in the doorway waiting for everybody who seemed to take forever to put on their shoes and coats.

"we're coming!" Sally said

"Sheesh" Megan rolled her eyes at me

I must have been driving everybody crazy. I rushed them as soon as they got up. I was just so excited that today I could see my mom and dad again for one last time, even though I won't see them in person.

When everyone was finally dressed we left and walked to Zelda and Helga's shop.

(inside the shop)

"aw good morning! Come in!" Zelda greeted us at the door

"Good morning!" we all said

"you must be here to try our mirror of wonder"

"uh huh" I nodded happily

"follow me out back and I'll show you how to use it" Helga said while gesturing us to a small door behind the counter

Jack, of course had to duck his head to fit through the little doorframe.

inside the surprisingly big room, there was tons of funiture that was covered in white dusty sheets.

I suppose it was to protect the old furniture from the dust

Helga led us to the back towards

a funny shaped object and pulled of the sheet causing dust to go everywhere.

me and Megan coughed

" Now to use the mirror of wonders you must start with saying 'mirror mirror..' followed by a rhyming  word-" Helga got interrupted by Megan

"You mean like mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?"

Ha, she is thinking about Snow White. When she first met me she asked me if I was related to Snow White, I guess because my last name was white.

Now it's Skellington.

" Well yes that would work..Anyways I have to go back out front, be careful!"

"Don't worry, we will!" Jake said and Helga left the room

"Can I go first?" I exclaimed

"Sure"  Megan shrugged

"Ok, thanks" I stepped in front of the antique mirror and thought about what I would say

hmm what rhymes with dad?






I can't think of anything else

After about 5 minutes I finally thought of a good sentence to use

"Mirror mirror don't make me mad, go ahead, show me my old dad"

good thing I said 'old dad' I don't want Jack to show up on the mirror..

there were black and purple swirls on the mirror in front of me for 2 or 3 minutes, then a picture/ video formed.

then the image was clear, my dad was driving in a black race car as I guessed. He looked so happy.

I smiled.

Then the image disappeared of course

"your turn" I backed away to where Jack, Sally, and Jake were.

Megan stepped up and said.....

"Mirror mirror her nickname was tom show me  a image of my old mom"

I wonder if he moms nickname was tom, I think my mom used to call her that..

a image quickly appeared like it did with me.

Her mom was knitting with someone else who had brown hair similar to my old hair color. I couldn't really see her face until..

"Susan! that's your mom! She's knitting with my mom!" Megan squealed

I ran up, it was my mom. I couldn't believe it. She was knitting. She gave that up when dad died but I guess since I'm technically dead too it doesn't matter any more.

Then the picture faded away until we could just see our reflections

"Hey Jake, you should go see your parents" I skipped over to him

" No thanks" he sighed

"come on, don't be such a whimp" Megan came over too

" I'm not a whimp! I just don't want to see them!" he raised his voice

" Someone's getting angry" I whispered to Megan

"IM NOT ANGRY!" Jake yelled

"Ok ok just calm down" Megan said in a quiet voice

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN?! I've been here for so long I don't remember anything about them! I don't even remember their names."

well it sounded like he was starting to calm down. Hopefully he would fully calm down soon..

"Sorry Jake, I shouldn't have even mentioned it. " I said

"that must make you really sad" Megan said after me

"If I were you I'd try to remember what I can, it will happen to you guys too"

I couldn't get the thought out of my head.

I won't ever remember my old parents.

I will never remember my old parents, my cousins, aunts and uncles, my old hobbies and favorite songs. I will never remember my old friends, pets, and memories.

I will never remember my old life.


And finally the chapter you've all been waiting for! I'm so sorry for the super long wait :( there will be a valentines chapter but it may be the one after the next.
thanks to everyone who reads my books! ;D

-Amber <3

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