Chapter 30

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Jude Bellingham  (enjoy)

The last few days in London had been emotionally taxing, but I could see Cecilia slowly starting to heal. The conversations we had, the walks we took, and the daily routines were beginning to help her process her grief. It was clear that returning to Madrid was the right step for both of us—a move toward a new beginning.

When we said our goodbyes to Cecilia's Aunt, it was a poignant moment. She had just returned from handling some urgent matters in Ireland. The farewell was heartfelt; I could see how much her aunt meant to Cecilia. The two embraced tightly, and I could see the gratitude in Cecilia's eyes. She handed her a small package filled with mementos and personal notes—a thoughtful gesture that deeply touched Cecilia.

For our return flight, we had chartered my private jet. The airport was exclusive and tranquil, a far cry from the bustling major international terminals. As we boarded the jet, I was once again reminded of the privileges my career afforded me. Cecilia and I settled into the plush cabin, and I could see the tension gradually leaving her face as we ascended into the sky. The flight was smooth, and I kept the conversation light, focusing on the future—what awaited us in Madrid and the new chapter we were about to begin.

"Are you ready to go back home?" I asked, glancing over at her as we relaxed in the cabin's comfortable seats.

"Yes," Cecilia replied, a soft smile on her lips. "It feels good to be taking a step toward normalcy again."

The arrival in Madrid wasn't as smooth as I had hoped. As soon as we landed, we were met by a swarm of paparazzi. The flashing cameras and intrusive questions were a harsh reminder of the world outside our personal bubble. Cecilia's discomfort was palpable, and I could see her tensing up with each question they hurled our way. I stepped in front of her, trying to shield her from the relentless barrage of flashes and probing questions.

"Do you think you can give us some space?" I said firmly to the press, trying to keep my tone calm but authoritative.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, the crowd began to disperse, allowing us to move to the waiting car. The ride to Cecilia's apartment was quiet, each of us lost in our thoughts, still processing the intrusion.

Once we arrived and the car pulled away, Cecilia and I made our way into the apartment. I could tell she was still shaken by the encounter. We decided to retreat to the terrace, hoping the tranquility of the Madrid night would offer some solace.

On the balcony, the city lights twinkled in the distance, and the warm night air was a stark contrast to the cold, bustling atmosphere of the airport. Cecilia and I poured ourselves glasses of wine, and the act of sitting together with a drink in hand felt like a small but significant step toward normalcy.

As we sipped our wine, I could see the strain in Cecilia's eyes, the weight of the day still heavy on her shoulders. The paparazzi incident had been an unwelcome reminder of the public scrutiny we often faced, but it was even more jarring given the personal turmoil we were dealing with.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I said, breaking the silence. "I didn't expect the paparazzi to be so intrusive. I thought we could have had a quiet return."

Cecilia shook her head, a small smile touching her lips. "It's not your fault, Jude. It's just part of the territory, I suppose."

I nodded, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness. I give her a quick kiss but it wasn't just the intrusion that bothered me; it was the fact that I couldn't completely shield Cecilia from the world's pressures and judgment. Seeing her upset affected me deeply, and I wished I could do more to ease her pain.

As the night wore on, I watched her relax slightly, her posture easing as she took in the calming view of the city. The wine seemed to help, and her laughter returned, albeit faintly. I found comfort in the small, positive shifts in her demeanor.

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