Chapter 14: Be prepared

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It was a calm sunny morning at the Tree of life. The majority of the kingdoms' inhabitants, except for the nocturnal animals, had already woken up and started their daily routines. Amongst them were the Lion guard and the monarchs. Both the guardians and the rulers were present at the watering hole, chatting about their lives.

"...By the way, Kion, great idea about making those changes to the patrol shifts.", Fuli said as she kept stretching. "The guard and I appreciate that we all can now hang out in the morning too.", the cheetah seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yeah! Mornings are the BEST!", The Bravest exclaimed excitedly before jumping into the water. Luckily for him, the water splashes didn't reach the spotted feline's fur.

"Bunga, we drink from there!", Rani wasn't happy to see the least hygienic individual of the kingdom swim in the waterhole.

"Oh, right!", the honey badger returned to the shore, unable to ignore the queen's dissatisfied tone of voice, not to mention her judging glare. Although the two might have learnt to be around each other, it didn't mean they both particularly enjoyed it.

"I agree with Fuli.", Beshte spoke up, yawning. "Don't get me wrong, I like our job. However, it feels nice to not have to get up so early and go on patrol right away."

"Affirmative!", Ono backed him up. "The amount of the free time we have has remained the same, but there wasn't much I could do late in the evenings. You know, I can't see well in the dark."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you're happy with the new schedule, guys!", the golden-furred lion smiled at his friends. "From what I've heard, the Night pride have successfully adapted to the changes as well."

"Speaking of the Night pride, here they come. And they've got company.", Anga stated with no particular emotion in her voice.

Everyone turned around, looking in the direction of the Mountain pass. After a few moments several animals appeared on a hill a short distance away. In the front, leading the group, walked a brown-furred lion with a distinctive mane, which looked like a tall ocean wave that was about to hit the coastline. Two seemingly older lions, one male and one female, whose fur coats were of a similar colour as their leader's, followed him. Behind Baliyo, Surak and Nirmala the Lion guard and the royal couple noticed three more figures. Before anyone could properly see the unexpected guests, a loud high-pitched voice reached the watering hole.

"Argh! Do kingdoms really have to be located so far away from one another?! My paws hurt because of all that walking! And I BROKE A CLAW on our way here, it's a DISASTER!", one of the figures complained.

"Tell me about it, girl! I don't think I'll even survive the journey back home!", a different voice agreed.

Tiifu and Zuri, Kion immediately recognized the duo. The king might have not heard the two in months, yet their intonations couldn't be confused with anybody else's. No one whined like his sister's best friends. I wonder what they are doing here. And who's it with them?

"Hi, sis! Good morning, everyone!", Baliyo greeted them with a nod when the two groups were close enough to one another. "Our patrol went smoothly, no surprises. And, as you can see, we have visitors."

"Zuri, Tiifu, good to see you again. How was your journey?", Rani pretended like she hadn't just heard them. Being polite to the guests was a part of the queen's duties after all.

"Catastrophic! Absolutely catastrophic!", the beige-furred lioness replied, sitting down and examining her front limb. "I might lose my paw!"

"I feel like I'll never walk again!", her bestie with a dark-peach fur groaned.

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