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Not proofread! Sorry if it doesn't make sense much, I wrote this in a rush.

College au.

"So when are you two going to be official?" Minho asked his friend. His friend is quite slow when it comes to love.

"I don't know." Hyunjin sighed. Minho rolled his eyes at  him, he really wanted to slap Hyunjin's face for being a coward.

"It's useless to be handsome if you're stupid." Changbin said irritatedly.

Right now, the four of them, Chan, Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin were sitting at a cafe near their campus. The four of them usually hangs out after campus hours and currently they were "helping" Hyunjin with his love life.

Long story short, Hyunjin asked his friends to help give him advice on how to ask someone out. Since Chan and Minho are in a relationship (not with eachother, Chan is dating a puppy-like boy while Minho is dating a squirrel-looking boy), Hyunjin thought they would have some good dating advice.

But seeing how they were absolutely no help, Hyunjin slightly regretted asking them.

Hyunjin glared at the shorter, not accepting being called stupid. Changbin is no different from him because that guy currently also has love problems.

"Tsk, what about you? How's things going with that Felix guy?" Hyunjin taunted. Felix was a junior that Changbin liked but Changbin never had the guts to ask him out despite already being quite good friends with him.

It looked like Hyunjin hit the spot because Changbin instantly shut his mouth and went back to his mobile game he was playing before the conversation.

"So what are you gonna do?" Chan asked one more time.

Hyunjin pushed his hair back roughly. "I don't know! I've never asked anyone to be in a relationship with me before!" He shouted in frustration, causing some customers to look at them weirdly.

'Good thing they're good looking or else I would've told them to shut up :')' a female customer thought to herself as she focused on her laptop once more.

Minho stiffled his laughter. To Minho, Hyunjin's distress was fairly amusing, considering Hyunjin rarely shows his frustration.

"Try approaching him, bring him flowers or something and maybe just say what you feel?" Chan suggested.

Hyunjin, who was previously laying his head on the table, looked up to face Chan.

"I'm scared...." Hyunjin grinned awkwardly.

Changbin snorted. "Are you even a man? You bring shame to the male population." He said as he shook his head dramatically.



Just like usual, Jeongin's routine was going home with Hyunjin. It became a routine because every time Jeongin was about to go home, Hyunjin would always offer to bring him home.

So you can say that Hyunjin is like Jeongin's "private driver", at least that's what Jeongin's friends say.

"Jeongin-ah! Are you gonna go somewhere after this?" Hyunjin asked as they walked towards the parking lot.

Jeongin thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Nope, I'm gonna be home alone today." Jeongin  replied softly.

"Do you maybe want to- No, I mean, would you mind if- uhm, can I bring you somewhere?" Hyunjin finally was able to spit it out after struggling embarrassingly for a moment.

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