Going (N/A)

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The novelty of Yoyle City very quickly wore off.

For a certain group of people, a certain, *very* boring group of people, the discovery of a place such as this would've been 2,763 times more exciting. A long lost ruin of the ancient days, an undisturbed relic of the past, where secrets and adventures hid behind every little pile of rubble, around every corner, inside every building. It would be a *dream* for someone like Golf Ball, or Tennis Ball, or some other ball (if they even existed) to get a good look at this place, to be able to roam its desolate streets, to uncover its old treasures, to find valuable insights about the world this place grew up in, what led it to ruin, and what they could ultimately learn from it to create a better, brighter future.

Gelatin wasn't one of those folks, though.

Much like everyone else, he too was initially excited at the prospect of getting this city-sized playground all to himself. He and his pals would end up spending quite a lot of time just... wandering about, looking for whatever random things may catch their eye, having fun in any way they can. That's the way the world works, you know? One suddenly sprouts into existence one day, they take a good look around, and they decide how best to spend their day while retaining a smile on their face. The one made of collagen would have a *great* time seeing all the sights, taking in all the abandoned urban scenery, and having so much fun that it makes him almost forget the fact that he was eliminated from the Battle for Dream Island.

Oh. Right.

Because he wasn't some fun-hating sphere, his little ventures into Yoyle City eventually stopped being fun and games. Every block he explored, every building he looked at, *everything* he saw further reinforced that terrible truth that he knew deep down, the truth that he tried his hardest to bury.

Gelatin joined BFDI for a lot of reasons. Free publicity for his Steakhouse is one; already running a successful business at such a young age, he hadn't had his dreams crushed by cruel reality just yet, and constantly aimed ever higher. The math was quite simple: he joins the competition, he portrays himself as this wacky and funny character, and that's just infinite money right then and there. Of course, like everyone else, he also wanted a chance to win that eponymous island for himself. He'd heard about this little scandal about it being stolen or whatever, but *surely* that was resolved already, right? After all, this second season was up and running. *Surely* he was gonna get the island if he won, not some cheap knockoff that, horror of horrors, is *farm* themed. Right?

Regardless of the current state of Dream Island, it wasn't like he was gonna win it, anyway. In fact, not only were the odds of him winning *not* great, but he also lost *hard*. Not only was he thrown into some Weak Trembling Fortress, but he was thrown into a Weak Trembling Fortress in a faraway land, where the only thing of note is this ancient ruin that was considered to be mythical before the contestants just *suddenly* wandered into it. But that's not even the worst part of it: he looked away from his Steakhouse for just a *single* moment, for just 2.763 seconds, and it instantly collapsed without his leadership. That prodigy had captured lightning in a bottle, and a strong breeze instantly made it fall and shatter. Not only did he gain nothing, but he was also gonna return to nothing.

So, that's... *great*.

Even though the efficacy of his 24-hour escapades only continued to wear off by the day, Gelatin continued to act against common sense and reason, looking for any thrill, any thrill at all, to take his mind off the fact that his whole life, everything he poured his effort into, had just collapsed overnight. He just didn't want to believe it. He didn't even want to *think* about believing it. But reality, as it was wont to do, would eventually catch up to him and seize him with an iron grip. He was stuck here, in an abandoned city, 2,763 miles from home, from help, from *anything*. The world had just casually destroyed everything he ever loved, and now it expected him to just... move on. To carry on with his day, to go straight into the next chapter. How could he?

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