Chapter 12 (Journey to Grandline)

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Nami smiled while she turned to lead Ki to the girls' room and opened the door. A couple of bunks as well as a small vanity and closet filled the room. The copper haired woman pointed to one of the beds where Ki's backpack laid, "There's yours. I didn't take anything from your bag I swear. Although, your baby transponder snail kept going off like crazy. Day and night," She coyly leaned against the doorframe as she crossed her arms, "You got a boyfriend I don't know about?"

Ki's eyes widened as she rushed over and snatched the snail from her bag, "Yeah, I do. I'll explain later, could I get some privacy please? He's probably worried."

Nami sighed and rubbed the back of her head, "Sure thing, sorry about that," She quickly stepped out and closed the door behind her.

Ki plopped down on her bunk and wildly dialed while she tapped her foot, "Come on, pick up. Pick up, pick up!" 'Ca lick!' "Ace?!"

Ace gasped on the other line, "Ki? Are you alright? You haven't been picking up, did something happen?"

Ki sighed, "Yeah, everything's fine. We had a bit of an issue with our navigator but it's been resolved. My transponder snail got lost for a bit. I'm so sorry."

There was a deep sigh of relief before he continued, "As long as you and Luffy are safe. You wanna come visit tonight? Or are you busy?"

Ki fell back onto her bunk, "We're gonna be sailing on free water for a while so don't have much going on. I'll come once everyone's gone to bed, 'kay?"

She could hear the grin in his voice as he spoke, "Perfect. See you then."

She blew out her own sigh as she clicked the receiver into place. She closed her eyes and covered them with her hands as she groaned, "Get in here, Red! I know you're out there."

The door creaked as Nami stepped inside and closed it with her back. She raised her eyebrows, "How'd you know I was there?"

Ki uncovered an eye and scowled at the redhead, "A snoop knows another snoop when she sees one."

The ginger headed woman shrugged and flopped onto her own bunk with a sly grin, "Fair enough. Hmph, soooo Ace huh?"

Ki rolled onto her side and rested her head on her hand, "Yup, that's him."

Nami laced her fingers under her chin, "Luffy know 'em?"

Ki nodded, "Yeah, we all grew up together on the same island. Known each other basically our whole lives. I've actually known Ace longer than I have Luffy, believe it or not."

From outside the ladies' room they heard Sanji coo, "Nami swan!! Key to my heart! Dinner is served!"

Ki sighed, thankful for the reprieve from the game of 20 questions Nami was surely heading towards. She hopped up and walked to the door but turned back to the woman, "Hey, let's keep this between us girls for now alright? Also, I know you overheard me planning on visiting him tonight. I do that frequently so don't be surprised if you wake up and I'm not here."

Nami mimed zipping her lip and tossing an invisible key, "These lips are sealed, as long as-"

Ki's stare bore daggers into the young swindler and she quickly backed down, speed walking out the door passed her. Ki muttered, "That's what I thought."

Nami gave a quick turn back to her with a wink, "But we will be discussing this later!"

Later that evening-

Ki went around and gathered up the crew's empty plates from the table. Usopp and Luffy had already trotted out onto the front deck spinning crazy stories of the adventures to come. Zoro was leaning against the guard rail snoring away while Nami had retired to their room. Ki slipped off her arm band and began running some hot water for the dishes while Sanji cleared the mugs.

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