A hello to you too!

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(To clarify "Been" is pronounced like "bean" as in baked bean, green bean, etc.)

"Hey...can you hear me?" someone asked, their voice was high pitched and kind of obnoxious. My head hurt in multiple different places. I attempt to respond to the voice but the only thing I could manage was a low grumble. "Are you okay?" it asked again, "you seem pretty out of it." Finally my eyes open and I was face to face with a cardboard box with a face? It had two big round eyes and a comically large mouth with three little spiky teeth. "Woah there bud, take it easy! Been doesn't want our new friend to go to waste already!" it's voice was fully of ecstasy. Is it even possible for someone to be this happy?

"Please get out of my face," I ask nicely.

"Whoopsies, silly Been! That is Beens fault!" the creature responded, playfully slapping itself in the forehead. His head slowly moved away from my face, now allowing me to get a good look of what Been looked like. Been was a cat. Okay wow, do I have a concussion? Last time I checked cats don't stand on twos and talk. Hes wearing a cardboard box with large pointy ears and a tuft of orange fur sticking out of the top of her box. The ears had a gradient from bright green to purple. Suddenly Been got close to my face once again, "Hello! Are you dead? Been thinks you're dead," Been asks, poking my head with a finger. 

I swat at Beens finger, "I'm not dead you idiot, I'm traumatized," I groan, finally sitting up. Been takes a few steps away from me, its tail lashing back and forth a few times. 

Everything was pink and from what I could tell made out of cardboard. This whole interaction was taking place in some sort of little town and unsettling background music could be heard. 

"Enjoying the scenery? Beens personal favorite spot is the garden!" Been walks over to my left and my gaze follows Been. Eventually, Been stops in front of a huge garden. "Ta-da!" Been waves his arms up and down to show enthusiasm, "Been comes here often for things." I look a little closer at the flowers, they all have derpy looking faces and are swaying from side to side.

I raise an eyebrow, "Looks great," I smile, not trying to act hostile towards Been. I look around a little more intently, "But here's a better question," I place my hands together and inhale, "where the heck am I?" I question in a demanding matter, for I really had not idea what this weird place was.

Been giggles at my question, but doesn't answer. "Come'n, let Been show you to your humble home!" Been grabs my arm and pulls me up, immediately running in a direction. 

Been is fast, extremely fast, "Where are you taking me!?" I fume. 

"You'll see! No need to worry new friend, everything is fine here," Been assures me. We eventually arrive in a neighborhood where every house was the same. We finally stop running in front of a certain house. Been pats my back hard a few times, I huff a bend over after Been was done basically slapping me, "Here is your new home! Number 3690! Don't forget the number because nobody will remember it for you!" Been joyfully commands. "OH! Before Been leaves, Been must tell you the rules!" Been stops talking and stares at me intensely with a huge grin.

"Okay, so what are they?" I back away from Been, feeling uneasy.

"Rule one!" Been holds up a finger, "there are no rules!" Been throws up Beens' arms, "Okay, that's it! Now go have fun!" 

Been quickly left after that, leaving me slumped over and questioning reality. I stare at my 'house' for a few moments. It was made out of cardboard like everything else here. I had a small garden of my own with three of those creepy flowers poking out of the ground. My face scrunches up as I walk past them to get to my door, I hope there's a way to kill those things. I open the door to my house and take a look around. Furniture was already inside it. I take a step inside before looking to my right and seeing a mirror, my eyes widening in horror at what I saw.

(Thanks for reading so far, and sorry the first chapter is so short, I've never published a story before! LMK your thoughts and feedback in the comments. Also if you got the SDR2 reference in the beginning then good job!)

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