A day in the life as a cat with a box for a head

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I left the party. I haven't told Been or Maggot that I left, they won't mind right? At least I showed up. That girl Fizzy is crazy. Been is no threat to me, Been is completely harmless, the only thing Been has done is just be annoying, wich must be a daily thing for Been. I walk home, kicking a few stones on the pavement. The moon is almost as creepy as the sun, it has a face but more realistic of eyes, and the addition of dimples. I enter my house and face plant onto the couch, not noticing I doze off.

I wake in the morning, I raise my head and look around the room. I quickly snap my head back down on the couch and try to sleep again, but my slumber was interrupted by my doorbell ringing. It was probably Been coming to scold me for leaving the party early last night, but I could really care less about opening the door to let Been in. I horrible bang and crash could be heard, I bring my head up, I'm fully awake now. I look back at the door and seen that Been literally broke down the door.

"Don't worry, Been will fix that!" Been cheered, raised a finger. Been moves off my door and walks over to me. I roll my eyes and put my head down on the couch again. "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey," Been gently slaps my head repeatedly, but gets frustrated when I don't raise my head to look at Been, "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Been yells into my ear. Her voice ringing through my head was enough to make me jump up. "We're going to show you around, meet some of the locals here, ya?!" Been tells me, "so chop chop!" Been walks out of my house, presumably going to join Maggot while they wait for me.

I groan, "Been, before I go anywhere with you two, go and fix my door," I respond sluggishly, standing up and walking out to join the two. 

Been just giggles and looks at me, "but the tour can't wait," Been grabs my wrist, "come on!" The three of us run down the road, Maggot falling behind Been and I. Soon Been suddenly stops in the middle of the town, this was the exact location where I woke up face to face with Been. Been lets go of my wrist and runs ahead of me, throwing up arms and jumping around. "Welcome to Boxxville! Where uh..." their arms droop downward, "we haven't exactly finished the motto yet," Been shrugs. Maggot finally caught up to us, putting his arms on his knees and panting. "Now come, we must show you around!" Been signals for me to follow. We walk down the street, stopping at the first store. Been snaps his fingers and Maggot opens the door for me. I walk in with a raised eyebrow but quickly shake it off. Was Maggot a slave for Been? Been places an arm on a shelf, "This!-" the self breaks, causing Been to tumble down, but he catches his balance and quickly bounces back up, "is the catnip store!" Beens expression turns dark and puts Beens' fingers together, "this is where we sell the drugs," Been starts to laugh maniacally. I look around the store, my eyes lock on the worker. She's already glaring at me, it's Fizzy from the other night. I look back at Been who is still laughing. I walk away from them and to Fizz.

"Hey," She scoffs, now looking away from me.

I lean on the counter, "hey."

There was an awkward silence before she said something again, Beens laughter finally calmed down. "So, don't believe me huh?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You think that is dangerous?" I question, pointing at Been.

"I don't think. I know," she confidently answers, her face getting closer to mine, "if you don't help me defeat Been and find a way to get out of this dimension then you and everyone else here will be stuck here forever. I'm telling you, you are 'special' like me. The gas didn't work on you so you have logic and brain cells left, everyone else is completely brain dead, including that 'slave' of Beens, Maggot," she whispered, giving me a sincere look. I look back at Been and Maggot, the two now conversing amongst themselves.

I give a tired sigh, "this whole thing is bull. I may not have no idea why I'm here and why I'm a cat, but when you start talking about dimensions and crap you loose me," I start to walk away from her but she grabs the scruff of my neck and drags me back into the employee room.

"What the heck is wrong with you? Stop dragging me into bushes and rooms!" I scowl.

"Shut up," she lets go of me, "you need to understand Been and the situation we are in. Did you ever wonder how you ended up here suddenly? And why Been was the first person you met?" She waits a moment for my response, but I say nothing, "Been manifested this dimension years prior, creating this world. Been kidnaps beings and brings them here to be held as prisoners so Been can make this little world perfect. We are Beens pets, Been has us in its grasp. Our souls are trapped in these bodies that Been made. Been is a powerful overlord, a being straight from Hell, actually no, I'm being too polite with that statement. Basically Been is worse than if Lucifer and Jojo Siwa had a baby together," she sighs swats her hand around, "what I'm trying to say is that Been may look all silly and cute but it's much worse than than, Been is a being not to be messed with!" she shook me a little, really wanting to get this message in my head.

"Rooster?" A muffled voice of Been could be heard.

"Damnit, get out there and lie if Been asks you why you were back here. Don't tell them about what we talked about." She didn't even give me time to respond, she just pushed me sending me spinning out of the room, right face to face with Been.

"There you are friend!" Been hugged me, it was so tight that Been was able to pick me up and bring me outside the shop. "Let us continue!" Been sets me down and runs off in another direction towards another store. More cats could be seen on the streets, everyone was so colorful. It was like a rainbow threw up on everybody. I'm not going to listen to Fizzy, if any of that is true then she could be one of Beens 'slaves' trying to confuse me. Or perhaps it's just a prank she likes to play on newcomers here. I mean, how did she even come to the conclusion that the 'gas' didn't work on me? I chuckle to myself, happy with the conclusions I came up with the possible outcomes to the situation. Everything is fine. I'm fine. Been is just an annoying cat. 

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