Never eat a cactus, spoiler alert; they hurt!

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I grab the pillow off my face and throw it to the side. I open my eyes and look up at the ceiling, today was my day off! I sprung out of bed and left my house. I skip down the street out of pure joy, which I haven't felt since I got here. I look around the town, peering into the windows of shops and figuring out which ones I should go to. There weren't many because cats don't really need as much as humans do, I mean we're all running around here in the nude so there weren't any clothing stores. 

"Hiya Rooster!" Been screams, jumping out of an alleyway and scaring me half to death. I stumble back onto a couple of open trash cans lying around on the sidewalk. "Oopsies, let Been help with that," Been offers as Been bends down and picks up the brown banana peel off my head, flinging it off to the side, "there, all better!" Been cheerfully smiles and pats my head."

I grumble in annoyance, Been was the last cat I needed to deal with, especially with trying to lay low around Been. I sigh and stand up, holding my back, "what do you want, Been," I grumble.

Been grabs my arms which causes me to freeze up straight like a pencil and picks me up, moving me closer to Been. Been lets go and brushes the fur on my arms to make it look neat. "Oh nothing specific," Been shrugs, "Been just wanted to see how you were doing!" Been gets closer to my face. I back away slightly.

"Thanks, but I'm good," I put a fake smile on, "I just wanted to spend this day by myself. Alone." Been stops smiling. I chuckle, "no hard feelings?"

Been quickly smiles again, "none at all!" Been hugs me tightly before letting go and skipping back into the alleyway.

I clench my chest and let out a long, gasping sigh. I stand there for a few moments before walking by the alleyway, side eying it looking for Been. Beens nowhere to be seen, it's like Been just dissolved in thin air. I raise an eyebrow before continuing my walk down the street. I walk into a small plant store and look around at all the plants. A few other cats were in the shop browsing for plants. I look around the store and find myself in the succulent section. I run my fingers over the leaves of each plant to feel the texture, and I stop in front of this plant with a layer of soft fuzz covering it. I pick up the plant and lift it up to check the price. I set the plant back down and continue walking down the aisle. I spot a pretty cactus out of the corner of my eye with a red bulb on top. And hastily walk over and pick up the cactus, inspecting it. I smile and walk to the cashier.

I set the plant down onto the counter and the cashier smiles at me, "will that be all?"

I nod, "yes."

The cashier puts the cactus in a nice cardboard holder and slides it over to me over the counter, "that'll be 6 coins please."

I lay out 6 coins on the counter and smile, grabbing my cactus and taking a step back, "thanks." I turn around and walk out of the store. I'm blinded by the sun as I step outside. I shield my eyes with my free paw and squint. Wow, it got bright out fast. And, is the sun wearing sunglasses? Whatever. I gotta get this cactus home. 

I arrive home and I place the cactus on my kitchen windowsill right over the sink. I turn on the sink and I cup my paws to hold water and I pour water on the dirt to saturate the plant. Wait a second, I need food and basic supplies like cups. I turn off the sink and head out to town again. I walk around looking for a grocery store or general store of some sort before I spot Fizzy walking around sneakily in alleyways, presumably looking for the entrance to the facility. Wich was odd because it contradicts what she said last night. I finally reach the grocery store and walk inside. I grab a cart and start pushing down aisles. I end up in the produce section so I walk around looking at all the food. I grab a whole watermelon and a quart of blueberries before heading over to the dairy and deli. I grab a package of ham and one of chicken. I look back and forth between the two meats before putting the ham in my cart and the chicken back on the shelf. I take a few steps to the right and look at the array of cheeses. My eyes scan across the cheese before I pick up a package of cheddar. I look the package over only to realize how incredibly thin the slices are, and how few slices there were inside. I grunt and toss the cheese into my cart. I pick up a small box of butter and set it in the cart as well. An hour passes and I finally finish all the shopping I needed to do. I walk to the cashier stations and wait in line for my turn. The cashier rings me up and my total comes to 10 coins.

"That'll be 10 coins please, and would you like paper or plastic?"the cashier tilts her head.

"Paper is fine," I respond, setting down 10 coins next to the cashier. Fizzy was right, the economy makes no sense here.

The cashier opens a few paper bags and carefully stacks my groceries into the bags. "It's a lovely day outside, innit?" She asks, looking up at me with a smile.

"Yep. It sure is," I say with a nonchalant tone. I wait for here to hurry up and give me my groceries.

"Y'Know, we haven't had many good days like this in a while, it's such a shame I gotta work on a day like this...Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla..."

I stop paying attention to her annoying words and just wait for her to stop yapping and bag my groceries.

"Uhm excuse me, but are you start to hurry things up a little?" I quietly snap, raising an eyebrow and my shoulders slightly.

"Oh! There I go again! Just yapping away. My sincerest apologies," she admits, finally finishing bagging my groceries. "Here you are ma'am, have a great day!" She waves at me as I pick up my groceries and storm outside.

"I'm a man!" I yell back at her.

I get back to my house and play all the bags out on my kitchen table. I take out the groceries and put the cold stuff in the fridge. I open my cupboard and place the dish set inside, along with the silverware I bought. I finish rearranging all the cool items I bought and decide to call it a day. I look around my kitchen one more time with my fingers framing a box following my gaze as I look around to admire my still bland kitchen. I nod in approval, "it looks nothing like home!" I exclaim, raising my arms and grinning widely.

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