Trust exercise

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The night passes almost in an instant. The sun rises and beams through the window perfectly on my eyes. I twitch my face back before opening my eyes. What did Fizzy say? Oh right, to never be late for work. I groan and push myself off my bed, flopping on the floor. I let out a soft ow before standing up. I walk out of my house and walk to the stop. I got here before Fizzy surprisingly, but not long after I saw her head bouncing up and down in the distance. I enter the shop and flip the switch, the lights flickering on and off before turning on completely. I walk behind the counter to wait for Fizzy. 

The door opens and Fizzy walks inside, she yawns and stretches upward. "How was your night," she asks, "and sorry I forgot you probably didn't have any food."

I rest my head on my paw, "yeah, it was actually kinda fun? I found this club last night and got some food there. Why are you trying to destroy this world? Why can't you just enjoy it and assimilate to what it has to offer."

"You don't understand," she firmly tells me, resting her paws on her hips.

"Then help me, I'm trying to help you, you know? So the least you could do is tell me what is going on," I insist.

She takes her paws off her hips, "I don't like to talk about it," she says quietly, walking past me into the back room.

I roll my eyes, "ouch, touchy subject," I say sarcastically. I get hit in the head with a bottle of catnip, "ouch!" I yelp, I turn and look behind me, Fizzy was glaring at me. "I'm trying to understand so I can help you better! Why are girls so difficult?!" I exasperate.

Fizzy disappears into the back room lashing her tail. I shake my head and turn around, now I was just waiting for business to pick up. I sigh, today was going to be a long day. I bend down a pick up the bottle she threw at me, and place it on the counter. I needed to gain her trust if I wanted to help her, it's gonna be the only way to take care of Been. I should probably tell her that. I look behind at the door to the back room, I decide to walk inside and I see Fizzy rearranging boxes. 

"What," she snaps at me.

"If we want to be successful then we have to trust each other. Do with that information what you will," I walk back out to the main room. Fizzy stops moving boxes around for a moment and thinks about what I said. She stands up and walks out to the counter.

"You have a point," she signs, "I'm sorry, I guess that's my fault that we still don't even know each other very well, and we obviously don't trust each other."

"Then let's fix that," I suggest.

She raises an eyebrow, "how?"

"We can go to that club I was talking about, we can eat bowls of blueberries and talk about how we're gonna utterly destroy this world," I give her a soft smile.

She sighs, "sure," she nods before going back to the back room.

The rest of the day passes until closing time. Fizzy and I walk out of the shop and I lead her to the club.

"I've never been to this club before, I've heard cats talk about it," she tells me.

"Well it's appealing, if you don't mind the smell," I respond. 

As we approach the club I notice a sign, "karaoke night?" We both skeptically say, looking at each other with raised eyebrows. I shrug and step inside, Fizzy follows me. I hear someone doing karaoke, they were on the stage and their singing was horrible. I catch a glance and I quickly push Fizzy backwards. "We can't be here!" I frantically tell her.

"Why?! We just got here, what's going on?" She questions.

"Been is on stage singing and I'm assuming Maggot is here too! We can't discuss this here!"

"Can't discuss what here?" Someone asks. Stopping me dead in my tracks and causing Fizzy and I to look at them. Damn it, it was Maggot. He's going to question everything and report it to Been. He stood there with his head slightly tilted and a drink in one hand. He takes a slow sip before talking again, "what can't you guys discus here?"

Rooster, hurry up and make a convincing lie! "We can't-" I was cut off by Fizzy.

"The music is too loud, it hurts my hears," Fizzy covers her large cardboard ears with her paws and winces at the music to make her lie more convincing.

"Oh, I understand. I can ask the DJ to turn down the music for you," Maggot suggests.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary, but thanks for the offer!" Fizzy waves her paws across her chest back and forth and smiles, trying to signal to Maggot to go away.

"Alright," Maggot goes back into the club, leaving Fizzy and I.

I let out a sigh, "that was too close."

"Let's never do this again," she responds, looking a bit shaken.

I look at her, "do you just wanna go back to your house? You said it's Been proof right?"

She smiles and laughs, "Yeah, let's go," she starts walking in the direction of her house, I follow behind her. "By the way, we have work off tomorrow, so now's the time to go shopping for food so you can stop relying on me."

I let out a small laugh, "aw man, it felt great to steal food from you."

"I mean it, next two meetups are at your house, and you're providing the food," she looks up at the moon with a frown, " god I can't wait to destroy this place, I hate everything here. I hate how everything is deceiving, and I hate how so many innocent souls are being tortured and trapped here just for Beens entertainment," she looks down and clenches her fists.

"I'm still not believing you on the whole 'Been is evil thing'," I add, "you still haven't given me solid evidence that Been is evil."

"I don't have any evidence, it's not visible evidence, but if Been all of a sudden knows about what we're trying to do than that is evidence. I guess you could say I only have my verbal evidence," she tells me.

"Verbal evidence has to be the weakest evidence. For all I know you could be making this up," I contradict.

"Just please take my word for this, and besides you're not gonna meet anyone else that hasn't been brainwashed by the gas."

"That was a sad excuse," I chuckle slightly.

"Please!" She begs, turning around to look at me.

"Fine, now keep walking."

After that conversation we haven't talked at all until we made it to Fizzys house. She opens the door and walks inside, I close it after me. "Tuna or... tuna," she asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Tuna," I respond, sitting at the table. She lays out a plate with a sandwich on it, "enjoy," she sits down with her sandwich and takes a bite.

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