Party at Club Cat!

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The sun started to set, letting the moon finally make its appearance. "Been will be here soon to pay us," Fizzy informs me, restocking the last few shelves.

I was leaning against the counter, I didn't respond because I guess that makes a little sense. If Been created this world it seems like Been would take care of payments and everything else. Soon enough Been busts through a window. My head jolts up at Been, "excuse me?! We HAVE a DOOR!" I yell, aggressively pointing to the door.

Been dismisses my comment and walks over to Fizzy, "18 coins! I'll be back on the morrow!" Been beams, setting the coins in her paw. Been salutes to me before walking out the door.

"That dang re-... probably can't say that anymore," I scowl, laying my head on the counter.

Fizzy walks up to me and lays my payment on the counter in front of me. She flicks my head, "get up, it's time to leave."

I raise my head and collect my payment. I follow her out the door, she starts walking down the sidewalk but I stay near the buildings entrance. I clear my throat, "aren't we supposed to lock the building up?" I ask, "and what about the new entrance Been so kindly made for us?"

"Yeah, locks don't really exist," she informs me, "the crime rates are surprisingly low. Anyways, goodnight I suppose." I watch as she walks down the road to her house, I still don't have any food back at my house for dinner.

 I look around the streets, every shop had already closed. I begin to walk down the streets, I love walking at night. It's always so calming. Maybe taking a walk around the town will clear my mind from my rumbling stomach. The light being emitted from the moon was just enough to light up the town so I could see where I was going, Been really should still add street lamps in the rest of the city, if he even is in charge of city things. I begin to kick stones, I love kicking stones along the pavement when I walk. I continue my walk before the faint sound of loud music was heard, the bass was so powerful I could feel it. I pick up the pace, whatever is playing such loud music at night had to be a club, and at clubs they have food, and eating food makes you not hungry! I smile, now full on running to where the music was coming from. I turn a corner and I see a little brick building squished between more buildings. The exterior had pink and blue neon lights and the sign was illuminated to say "Club Cat".

I walk inside and was imminently blinded by lasers and neon lights flashing everywhere. Someone's butt pushed me into a smoke machine, I began coughing and walk away from the smoke. "Oh why did I come here?" I ask myself. I look over to my right slightly and see the bar. Bars have food right? I'm not entirely sure, I've never been to a club before. I walk over to the bar and take a seat. I call over the bartender, "hey, you have any food?" I ask.

"Yes, would you like a menu?" The tender tilts his head and grabs a tiny menu, he hands it to me.

I look at the menu, nothing is really appealing to me, everything is just snack sized. "I'll take a small bowl of blueberries I guess," I hand the menu back to him and the bartender disappears. I look around the club, I sniff the air and scrunch my face. I look back at the bar and notice my bowl of blueberries were in front of me already. I put a few in my mouth. I'm not sure how eating food and drinking works through a cardboard box exactly works but I'm not going to question it. The song changes to something more catchy and fun. I start to tap my foot to the beat. I continue to eat my blueberries. This club was actually quite fun, I'll have to admit. My mood quickly changes, oh why did I agree to help fizzy? Why can't she just forget about destroying this world and enjoy herself here? I guess it's not so bad. I reach down for another blueberry but all I felt was the empty bowl. I look down and see I had eaten all the berries already. I place down one coin and hop off the stool I was sitting on. I make my way out of the club.

I had gotten lost a few times on my way back home, but nonetheless I made it somehow. I look at my door and open it, it was actually fixed. Been kept his word. I open the door and close it a few times to make sure it was actually connected to the frame. I look around my unappealing house before walking to the kitchen. I haven't actually even looked around the whole house yet because last night I just crashed on the couch. The kitchen looked exactly the same as Fizzys, in fact I'm 99.99 percent sure that all the houses are exactly the same. I walk down the hallway to see two other doors, one leads to a bedroom and the other leads to a bathroom. I walk into the bedroom and lay on the bed face first, limbs spread out like a starfish.

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