*Mission Impossible music plays*

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The air was cool and crisp, and a slight breeze was lingering around. "I wish I had some ninja stars," I murmur. I shut my door behind me and I start to walk down the street. I don't waste any time making it to Boxxville. I remember Been jump scaring me while coming out of the alleyway, I figured that would be a good first place to check. I finally decide to put my two brain cells together to remember exactly where that alley was. I stop walking for a moment and close my eyes, attempting to recall the information. I open my eyes and look to the left, I cross the street and walk down the sidewalk until I reach a certain alley. "Maybe I should check all of these just to make sure... It could be any of 'em," I whisper to myself as I tap a finger to my chin. I walk into the first alley and look around, making sure to not skip over looking anything.

"Is that the cat Rooster?" a claw lays on the screen, pointing to Rooster.

"Yes, that's the cat," Been harshly says, standing up and lashing its tail. "Ill be in Beens room, none of you dare to disturb Been. Can Been trust that you guys will have this situation under control?"

The cat looks as Been and saluts, "Yes, overlord Been."

Been turns around and walks away to Beens room.

I stick out my tongue with a 'Pleugh' escaping my mouth as I close the lid to a trash can.  I shake my head out of disgust. This was the last alleyway and I had found nothing leading to the possible discovery of the facility. I sigh and groan, shifting my weight to the back of my body. I give up for the night and head back to my house. I enter and I stop at the foyer, looking at myself through the mirror. I stare intently at specifically the box on my head. I have no idea how we can see, eat, and talk through them. Fizzy said nothing about being able to remove the boxes from our heads, why do we even have them? I slowly place my hand under the box and start to lift up the bottom. "Just a little peak," I whisper.

"Now why would you want to do that?" someone insists.

I jump in place and look behind me with a petrified expression. Been reveals to be inside my house by stepping forward out of the shadows. her torso bends down with his hands behind her back,  "seriously though, why?" Been inquired.

I swallow a lump in my throat as I'm lost for words. my heart is pumping rapidly, does Been know I was just outside looking for the facility? thoughts rush through my head. I take a step back and place my hands on the table behind me.

Been takes a few steps forward, "woah, don't have a heart attack you're not 92 yet!" Been beams.

"who- how- you-," I stammer, shakily pointing at Been.

Been giggles, "up for a late night walk, Been sees?  you needed some fresh air, or perhaps just needed to clear your mind?"

I nod rapidly, "yeah, I just haven't felt like myself lately."

Been puts a paw on my shoulder, getting closer to the side of my head. her eyes close and her smile turns into a large grin with one pointy tooth poking out. "Good, that's good to hear you're taking care of yourself here. Been would be so ashamed if our new friend went to waste so soon. Beens just making sure you're not doing anything bad, or joining any bad groups right? Because Been cant make sure that everyone's following the rules." Been opens his eyes and stares at me. I slowly side-eye Been with wide open eyes. Been giggles and takes his paw off my shoulder. "I'm just playing with you! I know you're not doing anything bad!" Been winks, snapping his two fingers. "The real reason Been came here is to ask if you wanted to play a game of Catonopoly!" Been squealed, holding up the board game. 

"Been I don't have time for this!" I protest, "just get out of my house and never come back!" I push Been over by the door. Been has a derpy expression plastered on his face as he's pushed outside. After they are nudged outside I slam the door and turn off the light in the foyer. I sigh and lean up against the door, slumping down again. I let out a audible groan and check the time. it was now 2:21 pm, I should probably get to bed.

don't eat glue -Hatsune Miku

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