Not a cat person? Too bad!

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I let out a horrific squeal and slip backwards on my tail. I'm a cat. I'm a cat like Been. Why'd it have to be cats? I've always been a dog person! So many questions are spinning in my head like, Why am I here? What is this place? Why am I a cat with a box for a head? Why is Been so weird? Why do those flowers keep staring at me? I take a few deep breaths and regain my composure. I stand up and look at myself again in the mirror. I touch my ears and my little blue tuft of hair, they're pointer than I expected. My ears look like Beens, just hot pink to cyan. I'm also a tabby like Been, just not orange. That's possibly why Been is so annoying, it's because Been is an orange cat. I back away from the mirror, getting a better glance at myself, as I'm striking a few arrogant poses my doorbell rings. I turn to look at the door, the doorbell rings are getting more frequent. I sigh and open the door.

"Hel-!" Been begins, I shut the door quickly. Then to only open it again, "-lo!" I shut it again, pinching the bridge of my imaginary nose and sighing once again. I mentally promise myself to keep it open this time to see what Been wants this soon after just meeting for the first time. Before I even touched the knob, Been was knocking on the door and was whining "let me in please". I roll my eyes before I open the door. Been smiles, "may I speak now?" Been asks. 

I cross my arms, leaning my weight to one foot, "you may," I murmur.

Been gets close to my face, "great! You should meet Beens bestest friend, Maggot!" Been pulls Maggot seemingly out of thin air. Been steps to the side to let Maggot and I get a good look at each other.

"Yo," Maggot replied, raising a dark bluish gray paw and waving it a little. 

Been side hugs maggot and turns to look at me, "Maggot is a real one! You two will be good friends in no time!"

I sigh, "Been, whatever comes out of your mouth doesn't even make sense half of the time!" I exasperated.

"Now now, no need for this banter, Rooster-" Maggot starts.

"Excuse me?! Who is Rooster?" I yell at Maggot.

"You," Maggot tilts his head, "is it not? We don't exactly get to choose our names. And besides I thought the mailman would be here to deliver your welcome mail." Right after Maggot explained to me that, the mailman pulled up behind us and delivers my mail. "Oh, would you look at that. Perfect timing." My tail twitches in irritation.

Been quickly runs to my mailbox and opens it, Maggot is slow to follow but nonetheless catches up to Been, "Come quick everyone! Let's go through Roosters mail!" Been starts to riffle through my mail. 

"Nope nope nope, Been, give it back," I walk over to Been holding out my hand so they could give it to me, "you are the last cat that I want to go through my mail for me."

"Oh no, there are some things you have to understand here! You see..." I start to trail off as Been goes through the useless information of mail. As Been is talking I look up at the sky, even the sky is a shade of pink. The sun also has a derpy smile like those stupid flowers. "And that's all! Are there any questions?" Been asks. I snap back to reality and quickly snatch my mail from Been. 

"Thank you," I sarcastically say, "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go back to my house now." I trudge back to my house, this day has been such a headache.

Before I disappear into my house Been starts waving violently, "bye bye Rooster! Make sure to stop by the party tonight!"

I groan, "what party?" I ask harshly.

"A welcome party for you! Make sure not to miss it, the information should be on one of those letters you received!" Been beamed. "Bye bye now!" Been waves goodbye for real this time.

I finally am alone. I shut the door behind me and throw the mail on a table at the entrance, some of it casually missing the table and falling off into a conveniently place trash can on the floor. I slump down into a crouch against the door; taking a good look at my hands, well, paws. "How did I end up here," I snivel, looking up at the ceiling, "I just want to go back home."

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