-14-I could get used to it

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Emily places her hands on my cheek, cupping my face, and her dark eyes flick back and forth between my eyes and my lips.
She licks her lips almost imperceptibly before grinning, her lower lip getting caught in her teeth.
I look into her beautiful eyes that only see me, and butterflies flutter through my body as she leans forward and her lips approach mine.
I hold my breath, my whole body seems to vibrate as her soft lips close the gap between us.

"Good morning, honey." JJ's soft voice tears me out of my dream and it takes me a moment to figure out where I am.
"Did you sleep well?" I hear Emily's slightly rough morning voice next to her.
I can tell from her tone that she's smiling.
I squeeze my eyes shut and wipe my face before sitting up and looking around.
I'm lying on the pulled-out sofa, a blanket draped over me.
I probably just fell asleep yesterday, all I remember is that I was lying on Emily's lap and exhaustion overcame me.

It was a hard day yesterday.

JJ is sitting on the edge of the sofa to my left and smiling at me.

She looks beautiful, her blue eyes shine at me, her blonde hair falls in waves over her narrow shoulders and she is wearing a white blouse with no neckline.
Emily is standing behind her, one hand resting on JJ's shoulder and she is holding a steaming cup of coffee in her hand.

Emily also looks as beautiful as always.
Her black hair frames her bare, naturally pretty face, her dark eyes flash as she smiles at me.
She is wearing a red shirt and black, wide pants.

Red suits her incredibly well.
I don't actually like the color, but when Emily wears it...

When I meet her gaze, I blush and the memory of my dream makes my heart beat faster.

Did I really just dream that Emily kissed me?
What's wrong with me?
Emily is with JJ, they are a dream couple...

I exhale deliberately and try to shake off this thought before smiling shyly at Emily and JJ.
I hope they don't see how nervous this is making me right now.

My dream has really messed me up.

"How are you, sweetheart?" Emily asks gently, hands me the coffee mug and her eyes examine me.
I blush further under her gaze and gratefully accept the coffee, wrap my hands around the warm mug and breathe in deeply.
"Better." I say as I exhale and take a sip of coffee before pressing the mug to my chest.
"That's nice to hear." JJ says with a relieved smile and strokes my legs, which are still under the covers.
"How about breakfast?" she suggests a little more quietly and looks at me through her eyelashes.
I can see how worried she is on her face, so I put on a relaxed smile and nod.
"Breakfast sounds wonderful." I answer and watch as both Emily and JJ begin to smile when I say that.

They are both so sweet, it makes my heart beat faster.

"Can I freshen up first?" I ask with a smile on my lips, their joy is infectious.
They both nod understandingly and I can see in their eyes that they want to say something else but don't dare.

JJ stands up, takes my coffee mug from me and exchanges a look with Emily.
I throw back the covers, then slowly lift myself up and try not to pull a face.

Everything hurts when I move, but I don't want them to notice.

I take a sharp breath as my back seems to be on fire and swallow a groan as I straighten up.

Emily furrows her eyebrows and tilts her head slightly as she looks at me critically.
"Can I take a look at your back?" she asks gently and I hold my breath.

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