19) The Day passes

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Neo Pov

I yawned reading a book that Barthomeloi compiled for me, It was named How to be Director of Clock Tower, At first when I saw it I was like seriously dude?! Why don't you call it for dummies as well? But then again being a Director was difficult and even after her explanation I am still unsure of many things, so I guess it will be helpful and man let me appreciate that she did this all for me.

I was turning the pages and looking at the Book, sighing I closed it and then opened another book which was beside it, which contained all the information about the clock Tower from normal to Top secret, and just looking at its Mumbo Jumbo words my head has started aching, this fucking writing style! The writers of olden times weren't creative at all! They have just used the most difficult and old English, words to explain the clock Tower and there is barely any Graphical representation! They couldn't even do that with all the Magecraft, seriously they were such a failure.

I guess next time I will be going for a cheap and Smart Character template that has Edetic Memory and Genius level intellect and I can name a few who I might get cheaply, anyway just as I focused myself back on reading the books, the doorbell rang, I used my senses a bit and well found out who it was.

"Come in", I said, as Waver came inside he had an angry look on his face seeing which I asked," What happened?", he pouted a bit and replied," You left me in Japan! You could have at least brought me with you!", I chuckled hearing that, yes I left him back in Japan, I could have teleported him with me but I just didn't do since I was so focused on my Revenge and didn't want to scare him.

He pouted a bit more seeing me chuckling, What the Hell why he is showing Aqua symptoms?! Don't tell me her uselessness has transcended time and space and now is affecting even Waver?! I quickly used Mana surrounding me and Denied any unnatural effect on me, well nothing happened, I guess that wasn't the case, I shifted my focus to a bit amazed Waver.

"Wow! You can control surrounding Mana?! I guess expected of a Magician!", he looked at me in amazement, yes! See me in a better light and become my Eternal slave who will do all the paperwork for me! Muahahaha! Thus while I was inner monologuing poor Waver was just looking at the thin but Dense Magical Shield surrounding me in amazement not knowing my evil plans for him.

I tapped on the table and said," I thought you needed some alone time, and guess it worked", he became a bit embarrassed hearing me, and replied," Yes, I did need some time alone after the War and well-losing Rider", I just nodded and said," Anyway, here is the thing I want you to be my assistant but well you lack the capability to be so".

He became cheerful upon hearing my first half of the sentence but became a bit disappointed after hearing the later half and asked," Then what should I do", I replied," Go and complete your studies, after that, I will train you and then you will become my assistant", ' Who will do all my paperwork ', I finished my words in my mind.

He just nodded and after a bit of chatting he left my room and I continued on reading these boring books, Ugh, at least the one that Barthomeloi complied with has some Graphical references.

(A/N: In Fate Kaleid Illya he is a kinda assistant of the Zelwertch which means that even that old guy knew who would be best to do paperwork)


3rd Pov

In Edefelt Household,

Luvia was sitting on the chair tensed under her parents' gaze, Finally, her mother spoke," Let me ask you how is your relationship with Lord Neo?", Luvia flinched remembering her meeting with him and thought,' Why is it happening with me?! I didn't know that Waste was a True Magician! and now he has become the Director of the Clock Tower! I even made fun of him last time! If my parents were to know it ', she froze in fear, and looking at the scary cold looks of her parents she muttered," It- It is neutral".

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