16: Del Pilar

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"Del Pilar..."

Her words echoes. And the person in question look at his sister amused. He cannot help but chuckle.

Hearing his chuckles, Ella is mesmerized by the scene.

Wow, he's beautiful. More beautiful when he laughs.

Her eyes went bias witnessing the person in front. Then, he recall Philip's diary about this brother.

[Del... I missed Del too. He's a good brother. Its just that... Too good that I don't like to be around him much. He's annoying sometimes.]

Thinking about it, Ella thinks Del is someone close to Philip. Because of that, she needs to avoid him. It might risk exposing Ella not being Phil.


"Phil! It's good to see you!"

He said as he gave me a hug.


All I can do was chuckle nervously and uncomfortable.

No one ever hugs me. Even my mom. Hugging and direct contact isn't actually a think for us.

He then let go of me, pats me at the pack and laughing-ly said, "How are you my little sibling!"

But he is indeed, a Asian by nature. The sudden beating for no reason is real an Asian thing.

"I.. I'm fine."

That hurts. Is it okay for a cadet to act like this?

When I realized his laughter stopped, I look at him cautiously.

Did he... Is something wrong?

Looking at him, he just wear this stone expression in him. I don't know what he's thinking.

I'm getting nervous as time passes so, I'm about to make excuse and ran for it. But when I'm about to throw some excuse, I saw him smile again. This time, different.

"To think my little bro forgot me! Ah! Right! Not bro still..."

He whispered the "bro" part. Then he keeps murmuring of things I don't quite understand.

Still, it got me thinking. So this gives the whole Maharlika family, and some trusted servants, knew about Phil being female.


I heard him called his name. I looked at him, he's tone being different. As if... Finding words to say, the banquet hall could be heard had already started.

"I better get going."

Since I already plan to avoid him, now a given chance.

He grabbed me before I can even turn. I looked at him surprised but then, I went surprised again. He... He looked at me concern. Is it about Phil and the accident.

"It's alright. I already recover in that accident. They are still investigating for a fault play so everything will be solved. And I'm positivity alright now."

I blurred out suddenly. It surprised me that I can talk like that.

The hand grabbing my shoulder, tighten after I ended my sentence. I felt his hand become heavy. Because of that, I am about to complain but he suddenly turned away.

"No, sorry on stalling to you. Go on, go inside, you must be cold."

I failed to see his expression but I went inside either way.

Closing the door of the balcony, I glance one last time in his direction. I saw him went the edge, leaning his body in the concrete railing thinking something.

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