Extra: Ella Mae Bautista

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Who is the MC?


What is her goal?

To find way to go back in her world, to be with her mother.


Reveal why Philip is acting like a man and why it is a secret.


She is curious. And she thinks Philip did something to summon her in her place, in Philip's body. She was given clue when Mal is acting like a different person in a similar case like her being possessed. And Philip mentions a love interest which can be her motive to be not herself (become Philip without being Philip).

What did she do to achieve her goal?

Finding clues about magic or possible explanation for her summoned. She's also investigating Philip, her current host, as a prime suspect of her arrival in the book.

But... her actions are passive one which resulted fruitless.

What is her character?

She was labelled as an idiot and with a low IQ. She also labelled herself like one, but it is because the people around her believed so, even her mother do (when she was being abused but not in her current life before she enters the book). She is actually smart; it's just her environment taught her otherwise and she believes it. She is also making a fool of herself as coping mechanism to her experience. And she treated the world she currently in as nothing but a book or a play she needs to fulfill her role as an actor. Thank to this, she is acting normal, somehow, but when her real self as Ella is revealed, she turns to her real current self who is wounded and desperately wants to hide her pain away. She is healing but not enough healing, that is why she can abandon all behind the real world, but she knows her mother is trying to help her while being hurt herself. She cannot just abandon the only person who did not give up on her so she's struggling to making it out the book.

What is her background?

She is from a broken family. Her father left them when she was little when she is still bright, and flourishing kid. But she changed after the separation. Ella's mother was greatly affected to the point of depression. She was abused, verbally, by her mother. When a relative steps in, they discovered she have depression. They sent her to get treatment, and no one can take care of Ella that time. During the constant arguing of her parents, she slowly loss her brightness which made her gloomy that made her target of bullying. The bullying and mental torture only worsen when she was alone with a little to no support with anyone. Even after her mom got better, she was still bullied until she stopped going to school.

First stage of conflict between her parent started in her elementary, specifically grade 4.

The divorce happened at grade 6.

The abuse started at high school, soon after the divorce which broke her mother to a certain point immediately. Since her mother clung to her father desperately only to end up divorce at the end.

At grade 8, 1 and a half year later, her mother was sent to get treatment. The bullying her mental state only worsen.

She lives by herself then for almost a year when her mom came back. By the time of her grade 9th ending, she's planning for transfer to another school for her grade 10th and senior high, but her mom just came back, and she did not want to bother her or else she might get worse, or her emotions and mentality might become unstable.

Grade 9th, her mother gotten better. She is trying to not think of her father anymore and living for Ella. Ella felt relief and happy about it, so she dropped the idea of going to transfer. She thought she can cope up with her school life now that her mother is okay and taking care of her.

Grade 10th, only 3 months before graduation, she collapsed. She gave up and never went to school. Her mom insists on knowing why but she did not speak and hole herself in her room for days. Her mom called the school and ask some student then she discover Ella's reason not to. She talks to Ella of punishing those who hurt her, but Ella refused. She said just want to rest and never see them again.

She then refuses to go to school from then on.

Her mother decided to live in another place, since they both has no happy memories in that place in recent years, so they move out. But Ella still refuses to go to school. Her mother respect her choice and blame herself for not noticing her daughter's hardship and only focusing on her pain alone. For neglecting Ella, her mother tried cheering Ella so she can be herself again. Some damage repaired, some don't.

Ella's at home for nearly a year when the prologue happened.

She's extrovert who instantly went Introvert. 

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