Chapter 16: Whispers of the Dryad

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The early afternoon sun draped the rooftop of the Magic Enhancement School with a warm embrace. The noises of students below faded into a distant hum, sounds of laughter, and the occasional yelp from a sparring match.

I leaned against the cool stone edge, still resting with the thrill of my recent victory. Winning our friendly spar-turned-exam against Lara and Xyno was no small joke.

'Frick... I can feel my mana getting drained from the World Tree spell. I'm tired as heck!'

I then laughed at the look on their faces after that spell was formed. It was priceless. Very priceless.

After a while, I hear the door opening. It was Lara. Surprisingly, she had the appearance of a beautiful middle-aged woman and her elf ears were visible. Must be her true form.

'I never knew she was like this! So pretty...'

“Quite the performance, Sora,” she remarked, her tone dripping with elegance as she arranged her school uniform. "I must say, you got me when that spell of yours showed up."

'A middle aged dark elf wearing a school uniform, a weird combination but not bad.'

“I got lucky,” I replied with a crooked grin, rubbing the back of my neck. “But, thanks! I just thought I had to put my nature magic to good use.” A whiff of grass and blooming flowers stayed in the air, remains of my magic during the match. “I didn’t think you’d go easy on me, Lara.”

“I never go easy on my children,” she corrected, raising an eyebrow. “However, I must admit, your connection to nature is most commendable. Possibly even rare.”

Talk of my nature magic always brought warmth to my cheeks. I had never quite understood how or why I got it. All I knew was that a dryad approached me when I was just a child, gifting me with the ability to commune with the very life around me, in short, nature magic. I dig my way into deep thoughts, remembering those memories for more details about that amazing encounter.

“By the way,” Lara interrupted, sensing the vague cloud of nostalgia swirling around me, “there is something else we must discuss.” Her eyes looked to the horizon as if she could see more than mere rooftops.

I frowned, leaning forward, intrigued. “What is it?”

“Your dryad,” she stated simply.

“My… dryad?” I blinked, taken aback. “What do you mean?”

'why did she suddenly bring that up?'

A smile appeared onto Lara’s face, one that held the weight of countless secrets. “The spirit that has been closely following and protecting you, Sora. You may not see her, but she has been with you all this time.”

I laughed nervously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I haven’t seen any dryads around!”

“Of course not. Dryads are shifty—much like the whispers of the wind,” she replied, her tone is more formal and serious than ever, “But I assure you, there’s a presence that surrounds you, and she wishes to connect with you again.”

I glared, uneasy. “What does she want?”

“To guide and nurture your powers. You have a bond that runs much deeper than you realize. Dryads are tied to nature, and your magic stems from theirs. The time has come for you to make this connection.”

My heart raced. “But how? I never even knew her name!”

A flicker of amusement danced in Lara’s blue eyes. “Perhaps you should meet her, then?”




“Meet her?” I echoed, shocked. “How do I even do that?”

“Allow me to give you a gift,” she said, producing something from within the depths of her uniform.

I am starting to get nervous, as if like this is our possible reunion. If she is the one who gave me this magic, then probably it is the jackpot.

“This spirit will enable you to see the dryad and also grant you the language of the spirits. You will understand her, and she will understand you.”

She handed me a small, crystalline orb that shone with shades of green and gold, pulsing gently as if it sounded a heartbeat. I held it in my hands, mesmerized. “What do I do?”

“Use your magic. Channel the connection, and she will respond.”

"Well... Here goes nothing."

Nervously, I took a deep breath and focused on the orb. A warmth spread through me as I pushed out with my will. The orb glowed brighter, wrapping me in a cocoon of light. When it dimmed, a presence filled the air—a gentle swish, the sound of leaves dancing in a breeze.

And then, she appeared.

“Hello, Sora,” the voice was melodic, surging around me like a gentle waterfall. I gasped and stepped back. There, standing before me, was a stunning figure with enchanting green skin, flowing forest green hair, and golden eyes radiating warmth and wisdom. The vines that adorned her formed an elegant dance around her body, framing her presence in nature-themed attire.

“I am Sylphira,” she introduced herself softly, a kind smile gracing her playful features. “You do not remember, but I have watched over you since childhood.”

“Sylphira…” I marveled, my voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t think you existed. But I remember… you gave me nature magic!”

“Indeed,” she replied, the flicker in her eyes filled with pride. “You held promise even then. It is time to nurture that promise.”

Lara stepped back but remained close enough to witness the encounter. I turned back to Sylphira. “What do I need to do?”

“Simply listen to the whispers of the world around you,” she instructed before gesturing to the horizon where the sun was beginning to set low. “And pay attention the lessons of nature, for it is a vast teacher.”

I glanced at the setting sun, its hues painting the sky with breathtaking strokes of orange and purple, and felt my heart swell. “I will. But, um…” I hesitated, a grin creeping onto my face. “How do I speak to trees? I mean, do I just… talk to them?”

Sylphira laughed lightly. “You will know, young Sora. Just ask for their wisdom, and it will be given to you,” she explained.

“I’ll remember that! Just, uh, make sure they don’t tell me embarrassing things,” I teased, scratching my head sheepishly.

Lara chuckled, shaking her head. “Nature specializes in wisdom, Sora. Embarrassment may be something you have to deal with on your own.”

We all shared a laugh, observing the sun’s final curtain call. As the world turned darker around us, I felt a sense of belonging coming over me, stronger than any magic. I had connections, and kind spirits watching over me. I couldn’t wait to dive into that world, exploring the secrets of nature hidden from my view all these years.

“Thank you, both of you,” I breathed. It felt silly to be so nostalgic, but in that moment, surrounded by the threads of magic and friendship, it was undeniable.

'First, an elf, then a dark one and now a dryad. Life is full of surprises. Good suprises. It feels new, but I'll get used to it.'

And as the final rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, I knew this was just the beginning.

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