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Rachel's P.O.V.

It had been over a month since I ran. I was somewhere near the coast in a small town where everyone knew everyone with the population just over two hundred. Snow littered the surrounding forest and people dressed in fur coats with thick boots and jackets, gloves and hats to try and keep warm as they made their way through the quiet streets. Some heading to school, others on their way to work while I sat in a small café gazing out the window with an empty cup of coffee clutched between my hands.

"Can I get you a refill?" a petite waitress asked as she approached my table with a glass container of black coffee in hand. I turned my gaze down to my cup then pushed it towards her "Please" she leaned over and filled my cup with coffee, just how I liked it lately, black with no sugar.

"I've noticed that you're new in town" she politely said, trying to make conversation as she pushed my cup back over to me. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear, I turned to stare back out the window.

"I've only been here for a month" I said, picking my cup up and taking a sip of the warm liquid that stung its way down my throat. The waitress glanced around the small café before sliding into the seat across from me.

"You're a wolf" the words caught me off guard since the town was located in the No Man's and didn't have any packs within the perimeter. At first I assumed that she was a wolf but I would've noticed right away from her scent.

"What are you talking-?" she cut me off before I could finish, leaning across the table to whisper as her eyes darted around the area.

"My grandma used to tell me stories about the wolves, I thought she was crazy but-." she paused when a man passed by our table with a neatly folded newspaper tucked under his arm, suspiciously glaring at his back.

"You're real" she concluded when the man casually took his seat on the other side of the room, ordering a coffee and bagel as he unfolded his newspaper to read the weekly news.

"Last time I checked-." I trailed off, taking another sip of my coffee when a red hummer pulled up alongside the café. Four males hopped out, three of which were middle aged with one around my age.

"We don't have much time-." the waitress nervously said as she eyes the hummer. The possibility of her being crazy crossed my mind so I tried to reason, glancing down at her name tag before I spoke "Look Lisa, whatever you're getting at I'm sure is important but I've got places to be and-." she shook her head and grabbed hold of my arm when I made a move to leave after I'd finished my coffee and left the money on the table.

"They're Hunters" she rushed, glancing back at the hummer where one of the men unloaded a crossbow and the others gathered some shotguns.

"They've been tracking you ever since you got here" Lisa insisted as she stood up and started tugging me towards the back of the café.

"Where are we going?" I asked when she pushed her way through the door leading to the kitchen, with me in toe.

"We have to get out of here" she announced as she maneuvered us through the busy kitchen and towards a back door. Glancing back at the door we'd passed through, I noticed one of the men shoving his way past the help in the kitchen to get to us.

"We need to move" I said, taking the lead by picking up my pace and dragging her along. Once we reached the back door, I shoved it open with my shoulder and was about to step outside into the snow when Lisa was pulled back. She yelped, clinging to the doorframe as the man tried to tug her away so he could get to me.

"Lisa!" I exclaimed when she managed to pry her arm away from the man and stumbled forward, toppling over into the snow. The man raised his shotgun at me and aimed, ready to fire when I reached out to grab hold of the gun barrel and slam his head into the doorframe from where he was stood in the doorway. The blow knocked him out cold.

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