Chapter 21

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~A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body~

Alice's P.O.V

Flash Back

Alice ran down an ally way. She laughed and looked back at the villagers chasing her. Idiots. She thought and kicked down a trash can. Making the contents fall all over the ground.
The villagers got out some guns and started firing at her. She laughed happily and dodged them. She could hear the footsteps of them. Trying to catch her. Your even dumber then I thought. She laughed again and quickly turned the corner.
"Alice over here."Her friend called her. It was Jake. He was on the other side of the street with a car. Stolen of course. Like how they normally escaped.
Alice ran across the street. Her blades were out of her arms. The same black they always were. She pushed some people put of the way.Villagers yelling at her. She stuck her tongue out at them and laughed.
She got into the car Jake was already in and they took off. The villagers that were chasing her. They got into their own cars. They wouldn't be able to get them in time though.
"Did you get it?"Jake asks speeding down the street dodging cars.
"Of course I did. I still don't get why you ask every time." Alice rolls her eyes. She grabbed the back pack that she threw in the back seat when she got into the car.
She unzipped the bag and a ton of cash was in the bag. All the way to the top.
"Good job."he said smiling and quickly turning the car. Almost making the money fall out of the bag. She zipped up the bag and threw it in the backseat.
"You think that's enough?"She asks.
"Yeah. For a while at least."he says a bit gloomy and got out of the village they were in.
Alice looked about 10. She was smaller and alot more happier. Although she was a theif. Along with Jake who looked a bit older then 10. But he was always taller then her so maybe he was just tall. They both got out of the car when they were far enough.
"You got the money. So do the honors."Jake says. He got the bag out of the car.
Alice smiles happily. Her blades shot out of her skin. Stinging a bit but she had gotten used to it. Her eyes turned red. She remembered everything that happened to her. All the bad memories. She growled and got her anger out on the car. Slicing everything apart like an animal.
After the car was ripped to shreds. Alice looked back to Jake smiling happily. Her eyes went back to the normal blue.
"Come on. I think they're coming."Jake says and Alice nods. They both run down the street. The forest was up ahead a bit. If they got there they would be safe. Well as safe as a forest can be.
They heard the cars racing towards them.
"Crap. They're almost caught up to us." Jake says and runs faster. Alice looked back and muttered something that her mom wouldn't like and ran right behind him.
"Hey! Stop!" Some people yelled at them. They got out of the cars and chased after them. Alice growled again and her eyes turned red. More people chasing her away. She thought but then again she still had hope they wanted to help. But stealing their money wasn't a way to do that.
"F*ck off!!" Jake yelled to them. They were almost to the forest. Just a little bit-
Someone grabbed her arm. He held her up so she couldn't reach the floor. "Your not going any where, Missy."
"Jake!!"Alice called kicking her tiny legs.
He looked back. He stood there looking at her. He had the bag with him. He looked at the forest and back to her. He mouthed 'Sorry' and ran off. People were going to chase him but the one holding her called them off.
"Let go off me."she snapped to them and kicked her feet wildly.
"Not until you talk."one snapped to her.
"About what."she said growling showing off her fangs.
"About why a little girl like you would be stealing. About why you would do this." A woman asks kindly.
"I'd rather talk not hanging." she said. The guy put her down and she stood up straight.
"Talk."The one that was holding her ordered.
"Fine. You want an explaination. Ask the people who forced me out of my own home because I'm a freak. Because My father turned me into a weapon people want me to leave where ever I go. So I ran away with my friend. Who now just ditched me. Happy?"she snapped. She was tearing up a bit. But she wouldn't let her tears fall.
The woman gasped and hugged her. Alice was a bit surprised by it. She sniffled then hugged her back. She started crying even though she hated crying in front of people. The woman hugged her tightly not letting go.
"What are we going to do with her?"One of the guys asled the other three. They were a bit far off but Alice could hear them.
"Well we could offer a home here. But she'll have to work off what she stole." The one who caught her said.
"She can live with me and Ren." One said. The woman let go of her and held her hand to join the conversation.
"It would be wonderful if she could live with us." The woman says. Obviously Ren.
"I guess it's solved then. She'll live with Ren and Ken. She can work at my restaurant for now." The other one said.
Ken nodded. Rin squeezed Alice's hand and smiled to her.

End of Flash Back

Alice growled and elbowed Jake in the stomach. She got out of his grip and punched him.
"I see you remember everything."he says straightening his jaw.
Everything clicked in Alice's head. In fifth grade Jake and Alice ran away. They stole from villages but that day she got caught and Jake ran off. She wanted to forget all that she did. So she acted like that Rin and Ken were her actual parents wanting to forget what she and Jake stole and all the bad stuff. But Rin would remind her that they weren't her actual parents whenever she called them Mama and Papa. But she smiled and kept doing it. Trying to forget the operation that turned her into a weapon. When people made her leave her own village. Everything that ever happened to her that was tearing her apart. So she forgot all the stuff until now. Because of the one that ditched her.
"Where were you all those years." Alice ordered more then asked. She didn't face him though. Her eyes were bright red now. The red demon talking in her head.
"Looking for you."he said softly. Alice laughed.
"Looking for me?" she turned to him her red eyes filled with hatred."I was in the village you ditched me in the whole time. And I was actually happy for a while. And now you show up and try to act innocent."
Alice laughed even harder. Jake stood up backing up a bit." I looked there. You weren't there."
"I wasn't? Oh but I was. I was there until I came here. The only ones that liked me were Rin and Ken. They took me in. And never ditched me."Alice laughed.
The black blood was hard to control. Imagine trying to tame a wild dragon that would kill anyone on sight. That's what it felt.
"I didn't want to ditch you."Jake says.
"Really? Although you had the perfect chance to help me escape too. You ran off. With the money. That I had to work to get it all back to pay."Alice smiled her blood red eyes covered by her bangs. Her smiles shown through the shadows.
"I tried but I couldn't think of a way to get us both put of there. Besides you said you werebhappy with them right?"Jake says.
"You only think of yourself don't you."Alice says her blades coming out of her skin. She smiles.
"I thougt of you the whole time though. I thought you'd be happier there." Jake says.
"Hmm....I think you should stop making excuses and get to the point."Alice says to him calmly.
"I ditched you because Lady Medusa told me to."he smiled and looked at her. His own eyes turning red.
Alice smiled."Black Blood I see."
"Yes. If you don't become Kishin. I will. "He grins happily. Insanity in his eyes.
"You haven't eaten a human soul to become a kishin." Alice says smiling her blades turning a dark red.
"No. I have."he smiled wildly."In fact when I went to your village. I met your parents. Their souls were delicious."
That made Alice crack. She stopped fighting the black blood. Her eyes went all the way red and soulless. She attacked Jake trying to stab him but he blocked with his arm which starts oozing out black blood that hardens quickly.
"Finally I get to see your black blood self."Jake says and laughs.
She giggles softly at first then starts laughing wildly."You know. You won't like it after I defeat you."
She laughs wildly. A huge smile on her place showing that she was completely insane. She twirls and kicks him. He smashes into a wall. She grabs his neck and smashes his head against the wall.
"Can't you do better then this?"she smiles and gets go of his neck.
He turns his arm into a blade and slices her on her side. It goes in pretty deep but hardens.
She pulls out the blade.and laughs."Didn't even sting."she out a hand to her side and black blood was on her hand.
He looks at her and slices her again. It just made more black nlood drip on the floor. She smiled."My turn then."
When he tried to slices her again she grabbed the blade making a cut into her hand. She throws him to another wall. She laughs insanely her eyes covered by her black hair.
"Come on. I want a fight not a easy kill."she giggles and walks over to him giggling.
Jake swings out his leg that had a blade on the back and sliced her while making her fall. She got up slowly. He grabbed her hair and smashed her face into another wall.
"Seems like I'm winning now." Jake laughs insanely as well.
She gets up. She was looking at the ground her hair covering her eyes and she had a huge grin on her face."Not yet, pretty boy."
Her hair started steaming with black smoke. She looked at him with red eyes that were almost black. She swung her arm at him makingbhim fly to a wall. He got up quickly and stabbed her in the stomach. She easily took it out. Her wound steaming and healing.
"That all you got?" she stabbed him in the chest. Her blade steaming with black smoke making his cut steam too. His black blood didn't harden either. He dropped to his knees putting a hand to the wound.
"How?"he asks.
She smiles down to him."Why would I share my secrets?"
He disappeared and a red soul floated to her. She took it and ate it licking her lips.
She exited her apartment. Madness running through her and she smiled wickedly.
"Alice?"A voice says to her right. She snaps her hand to the voice. It was Maka and Soul. They both looked worried.
"Are you alright? We heard alot of crashing and-"Soul starts but gets cut off.
Alice stood in front of him now. She put a blade to his neck."Who's Alice? Oh wait. That must be the girl before black blood. No I'm not Alice anymore. More like insane Alice."

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