Afloat (BH & FA)

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Black Hole was always up in the air.

Well, of *course* he would be; being one of the exceptional few objects that had been granted the great gift of flight, it was only natural that he got to make use of it in every possible opportunity. He and the others can use it from place to place, go to areas that were thought to be unreachable by the others, proving to be a *really* great help plenty of times. Even when there isn't anything in particular going on, even when they're just standing around, not doing much... well, they aren't really *standing*. They'd always be hovering, just a few inches or feet or so above the ground, not touching it in the slightest. If and when somebody could fly, they *really* wanted to relish it. It was their entire life to them. It was integral to their character. They couldn't possibly imagine them doing anything else.

Well, that's *probably* what most people thought, anyhow.

For the living void, it was always something more... mundane. Something ordinary. He'd always been hanging around in the cosmos, or hanging around in the air. He's just been... existing. He's just been flying. That's always how things have been. No big deal. Black Hole could see how it'd be exciting for someone that had no prior experience, for someone that remained grounded for all their life, but for him, it was just... *eh*. The air was to him how the ground was to everyone else. They just *lived* there. Nobody makes a big deal about where they live.

Still, he could recognize whenever he was just... a *tiny* bit different from the rest. When he first joined Death P.A.C.T., he was quick to notice how they (well, the first iteration of the group, anyway) all had feet and used them constantly throughout their daily lives. They walked, they ran, they became exhausted whenever traveling long distances. They were bound in around 2,763 or so ways that he wasn't. But he also knew that he was also similarly restricted, just differently; for one, they can give someone a light tap without subjecting them to a horrific and agonizing end to their lives. They can grab onto somebody without risking their... er... death. And so, though plenty of people looked up to him (both metaphorically and literally), though people often talked about how awesome and epic he was and all that, he'd always remain humble, always remain... down-to-earth.

He was a living object, just like the rest of them. He was one of his many, *many* inanimate cousins and relatives, and the only thing that stood out was the fact that he could float and talk and all that fun stuff. He had his own dreams and aspirations, he had his strengths, but also had weaknesses. He and everyone else, they were pretty much one and the same, really. Black Hole didn't want to be singled out, he didn't want to be considered this great destructive power, or a unique and stellar fellow. He was just... himself. He was perfectly content with that.

But as much as he didn't want the world to acknowledge his traits, they could all agree that they *were* quite useful. After Death P.A.C.T. got over the fact that they had this great and powerful weapon on their side, one that can erase things from existence with just a little bit of gravitational pull, they immediately put him to work on the whole... you know, the whole death prevention thing.

Death was an inevitability. Death was a constant. Death was everywhere. There were several dozen or so contestants competing to win The Power of Two. Not only did the pressure of that competition exert a negative influence on them, but also their past experiences, their emotions, their feelings, their grudges, their hatred. It was basically impossible to pick out somebody that *didn't* have some silly conflict with someone else, some bitter, vitriolic anger that persuaded them to act against reason and just... hurt someone. At best. Not only could it happen to anyone, but also at any time, and *anywhere*. The contestants were permitted to roam about the 2,763 square miles (give or take) of grasslands throughout Goiky, and they were just as likely to cause some mischief on one side of the field as they were on the other. That's just far, *far* too much ground to cover. According to some quick calculations from Remote (before she got the boot, anyway), not even *all* of the contestants could reliably patrol and secure such an area. What chance did they, a team that was seemingly losing members by the day, possibly have?

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