Entering 8th Grade!

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I look outside the bus, being grateful for living in Canada what I have, my life, my family, well yes my chores too. People say with big power comes great responsibilities, but in my case, I say having a little brother means having a huge bunch of migraine.

I start adjusting my sweatshirt and I collect my bad and lunch bag too as l spot my school. I sigh mentally preparing myself to meet my best friend Mahi Patel. She is an Indian, a very kind, loyal and sweet friend she has some ups and downs too, but we help each other.

This school was for 7th and 8th graders, I knew Mahi from last year as she was in my class. I am crossing my fingers, and hope she is in my class. I slowly get off the bus, trying to ignore when other students push their way past me to greet their old friends.

I spot Mahi not much far from the bus stop, eagerly waving at me. I walk to her and she hugs me hard (almost choking me).

Did I mention that she loves physical touch with best friends, she always hugs me, and clings to me, no wonder people ship us. Don't worry I am not in love with Mahi, as she is Straight and so am I, anyways I hug her back as she complains about me not picking up her calls during the summer break. I told her about how I lost my phone for 2 months straight, only 3 days ago that I found in my attic hidden by my brother.

"Mahi you won't understand, as you don't have a sibling. I missed you too you know, I wish I had found my phone earlier, could have called you." I say and I pat her head in a weird way which makes her cringe.

We walk together to the other end of the school to find out, which class are we allotted this year.

"Oh no! We are not in the same class! That means we will have to be in completely different classes the whole year." I whine as Mahi frowns.

"Let's go check out our classmates, shall we? Wonder if we get naughty monkey-type boys or Handsome boys or...Cute boys?" Mahi says trying her best to cheer me up.

I agree as we go our ways, luckily our classes are right beside each other. I guess I don't have the worst luck?

Ops spoke too soon...


I look around my class, it is huge and spacious but, the classmates matter, I guess I am unlucky after all. The boys are monkey-type boys. Crazy wild hair casual clothing, flirty nature. I sigh and take a random seat away from the group of boys.

Hate my luck

This is going to be a rough year ahead.

As per boys

NO luck for me...

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