My Birthday Dance With My Guy

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OH MY GOSH The title right?

I know the title is right




Yess it's my birthday and I am going to be thirteen, I think. And guess what the best part is that its snowing and we have a dance party at school!! Nothing better

I go in front of the dressing mirror in my room. I am wearing a blue jade colored dress that has a V neck, have some makeup on with my hair open, some decent soft jewelry and nail polish too. I have natural straight hair so I curled it with the curler. I feel fresh and ready.

I remember how last night my parents, brother and my dog surprised me with a chocolate cake and gifts at 12:00 am!! It was amazing.

I go downstairs and eat french toast my dad made and a piece of chocolate cake my mum cut for me. My dad suggested he will drop me to school as the dance starts late, so I got to go 30 minutes late to school and I got extra time to talk to my mum.

I reached school and before I could even take a breath I was already a part of a hug with Mahi.

"CASSSSSSSSIIIIEEEEE You are 13!! Yessss HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cass!" she yelled in my ears

"That will be ironic, me getting deaf on my birthday" I said

"Oh! Ops sorry" she backed away a few steps to pick up a box gift wrapped in purple paper. She handed it to me. I opened the box to find many things, one of them that caught my eye was a book full of photos of mine and Mahi's also some of our other friends. The next thing that was in the box were chocolates (ofc she knew I was addicted to chocolates).

I also found some make up items and also some locker and room decor in the box. I hugged Mahi and we went to the grand hall for the part and dance.

I noticed some stalls and students selling items including jewelry, snacks, hair ties, and more food stuff like pizza's and hashbrowns with sandwiches too. We headed to the hashbrown stall and bought 2 for me and 1 for Mahi. We also bought a freeze each which almost froze my finger tips off.

"Where should we go?" I asked and Mahi said "Let's sit at that empty table" I nod and we sit down to finish our food.

"Do you remember every step our dance teacher taught us for the dance, they taught us Waltz and Salsa. I mean I don't really remember Salsa but I remember Waltz" I say

"Well same, but we can't dance alone, and I don't want to dance anyways. I feel weird." she said

"Yes... But i like dancing, it's fun, you feel like a bird or something." I say


I look around as people come to wish me a happy birthday, even Bryce comes (he ignores mahi as they both had a argument if you remember) and wishes me, but I never find the guy I want to see, Sawyer. Every boy is wearing a suit or something formal, I was really impressed by the suit and tie Bryce was wearing, he truly had sense in dressing but I really wanted to see Sawyer.

I looked around one more time but then gave up.

After 15 minutes of talking to Mahi and the others. Bryce and his other friends left to go for a walk.

I felt a pat on my shoulder as I looked around to find those cute eyes looking at me with a smile on the lips Sawyer wished me, "Happy Birthday Cassie, look at you having a party on your birthday." he says

"Oh yea- I was just lucky that the school selected this day." I said admiring his suit.



"Oh yea?" I asked him as I felt Mahi smiling behind my back

he bought his hand forward and asked "Want to dance as a birthday treat? You can say no of course won't force you."

How could I ever say no to those eyes....

"I-I am not that great..."

"As if I am, I might just step on your leg and never notice" he said

I felt mahi hand pushing my back slowly

I nodded and got up, trying to act as decent and beautiful as possible. I was so fucking nervous, i could just pass out or something.

He guided me to a less crowded place on the floor, and he looked at me in the eye and said "can I?" as his hand hovered near my waist.

I simply nodded

I felt myself shiver as I felt his hand on my clothed waist. This felt like a dream.

He held me hand as I placed my other hand on his shoulder.

"Waltz?" he asked

"Waltz" I nodded

We started, I knew I could do this for ages. Its was slow but amazing, at first I looked down at our feet, but them I gained the courage to look at him while dancing.

After sometime we got a bit better at dancing then he slowly dip me in waltz, I didn't know he could do that but the during the dip we shared a glance at each other.

"You look very pretty today in this dress" he said


"I mean-you look good overall, the dress just got lucky for being used by you that's all" he said and i turned crimson red.

We slowed down our dance speed to match the music, as i noticed him biting his lips "You ok?" I asked

"I-Yea I was just wondering if you could a-answer my question?"


"I like this girl- and I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend so-ho-how can i do that?" he asked

The question broke my heart, I felt pain in my heart, he liked a girl already, and what was I thinking dancing with him, oh god but I had to answer him so I said "Just ask her l-like if she'll be your girlfriend or not"

"So...WIll you...?"

Did i just turn deaf, or am i hearing things, the hell


NO he didn't-


Snap out of it Cassie, i am going madddd


"Oh yea wait-wait what?"

"Will you want t-to be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god...he actually-" I start but

"No? I mean its ok if you say no, its your choice, i won't forc-"

"NO No not like that I-" I start again but

"Oh ok, no its ok" he says with a sad smile

"NO I mean Yes I-I meant yes I would love to date you!" I say fast

Sawyer smiles but them gets a confused face and says "Yes"

"Oh my days Yes!" and I hug him

I hear Sawyer laugh and hug me back.


YASSSSS Finally but noooo

Read more to know more <3


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