A Dream

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The song relates to this chapter :(

I woke up in the dimly lit room, my eyes struggling to focus as I glanced around. The darkness outside my window indicated that it was still early in the morning. I reached for my phone on the bedside table, trying not to make any noise, and checked the time, which showed 4:26. Confusion clouded my mind as I pondered why I was awake at such an hour. Suddenly, memories of my birthday flooded back, particularly the moment Sawyer had mustered the courage to ask me out, a thrill that had made me say yes. However, the details of the rest of that special day remained hazy, leaving me frustrated at myself for forgetting something so significant. As I strained to recollect the events of the previous day, a throbbing headache began to creep in, adding to my distress.

I took my water from the side table and drank a huge sip, hoping it would alleviate the pounding ache in my head which I suspected was due to my genetic predisposition to migraines inherited from my mother.

 Fortunately, my migraines were not as debilitating as hers, as she often had to rely on medication to manage her severe headaches, a situation that required my father and me to pick up the slack at home. Despite my suffering, my mother cautioned me against taking migraine pills prematurely, fearing that I would become reliant on them. Instead, her advice was for me to rest and recuperate by taking 4-5 hour naps in the afternoon whenever a migraine struck, a routine that I found helped me recover more effectively.

I let out a heavy sigh, my mind grasping at fragments from the night of my birthday. Amid the haze of memories, only certain flashes remained vivid: Sawyer's unexpected invitation, the presence of Mahi at the celebration. However, beyond these glimpses, the rest of the evening swirled in a fog of forgotten recollections. Was Mahi even there? I thought.

As time passed, my frustration grew steadily with each passing second, the memories of my birthday slipping further and further from my grasp, causing a sense of panic and anxiety to set in.

Did I have a SHORT TERM MEMORY ISSUE!!!!??? OMG hope not, oh nooo

Wait a second but I remember everything else, like my sleepover with Mahi, me completing my projects and every thing. AGHHH this is frustrating.

As I plummeted back onto my bed with force, the urge to yell bubbled within me, yet remained stifled. Releasing a deep sigh, I shifted my gaze upwards to the blank expanse of my ceiling, allowing my mind to wander freely.

As the alarm rings, I wake up again, feeling disoriented and unsure of the time I fell asleep once more.

At 6:45, I rise from bed, embarking on my morning routine with a refreshing shower to prepare for the day ahead.

I usually opt for my comfortable black lounge pants paired with a crisp white shirt for a relaxed and stylish look.

After I dry my hair with a towel, I leisurely gather the strands and fashion them into a casual, messy bun to keep them out of my face. I just tied t to SHOW IT TO MY MUM cause then she complains.

I hastily dash down the stairs, clutching my bag tightly, heart racing in realization that I am running behind schedule.

Smiling and shaking her head my mum asks me "Did you oversleep once more this morning?"

"No I woke up before 4:30"I say as if that's usual for me to do

My mum looks at my and raises her eyebrow "Care to explain what you did for almost what 2 hours?"

"I don't know why I woke up, maybe wasn't tired. Honestly I thought i would oversleep because of yesterdays hurry and long day." I sigh as I say that

"Had a long day yesterday?, did you get a lot of homework?"

"No, because of the party and all..."

"Party? What party?" my mum asks 

"My birthday and the school danc-" 

"Oh yess you must be excited for tomorrow, school dance and your birthday!! You will love the presents and everything" my mum said excitedly and I gave her a confused look.

As I pondered for a brief moment, a sudden realization slowly dawned upon me. Imagining myself waking up joyfully in the refreshing morning light, my mind blanking out on most details of the previous night. The throbbing ache in my head persisting, fragments of memories floating hazily, and my mom's gleeful anticipation for my upcoming birthday, which she insists falls on the following day.

I loudly gasp as my mum looks at me confused.

"Oh yea...hmmm i am getting late so yea but i will just...go to the washroom quick..." I run to the wash room and lock the door, I remove my phone at check the date...

19 December, 8:07...



Oh No.

No please.

The phone slips and falls on the ground and my mum yells "Cassie everythng ok?" from the living room

"Y-Yea...ok..." I pick up my phone as my hand shakes

Noo please noo this- no please, 

It can't be a dream please....

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks to my chin as my ace burns in anger, regret and sadness.

I look at the time (8:13) Oh no i need to go

I open the bathroom door and quickly run to the main door

"Mum I am leaving" I yell and rush outside running on the road to get to the bus stop...Even while running I feel the tears on my face, and my head aches more than ever.


I know I personally hate this chapter, because I remember the day it really happened. I hated it.

Oh wait but this is my real life romance story

Real life is always hard but not always bad you know



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